Where to live :

I'd like to get an apt in an area with low humidity,  relatively close to shopes and eateries.  Am a retired RN who may want to work from home.

Escazu or Santa Ana
is a great area with great shopping and restaurants

Have you found a place yet?  I have an apartment in San Ramon - beautiful setting, close to bus, shops, town, etc.

My brother lives in Santa Ana and loves it.  He choose it to be near the airport for work and schools for his kids.

Santa Ana is like living in the States as there are tons of restaurants, shops, etc., but a bit on the busy side.  Definately a great place if you're looking for hustle and bustle.

Geesh......Tell me it is not true ! I had a couple of Chachalacas comeby early this morning to me that the couple from the "Happier Than a Billionaire",book series,on how to move to Costa Rica,tucked tailed out of here !

Wow that's crazy if they did. In my research they've popped up a few times but I've never read any of their stuff. Wonder what happened

edwinemora, found some information on the 'Happier than a billionair'couple.

They basically duplicated the stress and financial expense they were escaping in U.S.,and recreated it in Costa Rica.Can imagine buying 2 properties in Guanacaste with no water ? Then,building a high maintenance home on a hill to run a business ...It all lost its charm after awhile...