
Questions about Kolbi

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My partner is currently on vacation in Costa Rica.  He has a SIM card and Kolbi.  The language barrier (he speaks neither English nor Spanish) did not allow him to understand how to recharge Kolbi, where and how it works.
Can you enlighten me on this?
Thanks in advance.

See also

Phones and Internet in Costa RicaStarlink Internet AccessMobile phone plans in Costa RicaWi-Fi/Internet coverageTELEVISION IN COSTA RICA

I believe you have a pre-paid Kolbi SIM.  You can go into any small shop that has a Kolbi insignia on the outside and put money toward your phone number, you can also do this at any ICE / Kolbi office.  Also most grocery stores will allow you to recharge your SIM card.  Simply use the word "Recargar" and show your phone number and specify Kolbi (Although your phone number should indicate that)


Thank you a lot.


My friend want to know if he can charge by internet. Is it possible ? Thank you for your response


We do that all the time, but we have a Banco Nacional account and it is affiliated with Kolbi.  There may be other ways, but I am not familiar with them.


We’ve added time via the Kobi app to our US based phone with a CR purchased SIM . The language barrier makes using the app difficult as they don’t have a language setting

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