Single Permit Processing in 2022



My Timeline (First Time)

Region: Brussels

No reply mail date: 31  August

WP: 12 Septembre

Annexe 46: approved on 10 Nov and received today 14 Nov

You have to remember there have been Public holidays which will also delay things. Also its NOT just you, there are 1000's of applications daily. You have to be patient, no one is special.


Brussels first time

No reply mail:15/07/2022

WP: 09/08/2022

Annexe 46: approved 07/11/2022 and received today 14/11/2022.

@M Latifa


You tried contacting the immigration office via mail didn't you?

Could you please tell me how you contacted them and what all info did you provide to them?

@ozan öfke I agree....I am in the 7th week and no response yet.

@SimCityAT True!! I think the same but end up worrying a lot.

@gokulsraj61 I just sent them an email to ask about my application :

Hi All I just want to know once we get RP then what all documents needed at VFS office?

  1. Annex-46
  2. WP copy
  3. Medical certificate (Apostille)
  4. police clearance certificate(Apostille)
  5. marriage certificate ( Spouse)-Apostille
  6. birth certificate (for kids)-Apostille
  7. travel Insurance
  8. flight tickets
  9. accommodation details

anything other than this?

My employer applied for the single permit application on 8th August in Flanders region. I'm waiting for the work permit (WP) and residence permit (RP).

I provided a French address and the documents such as medical certificate and police certificate while my stay in France after studies. Now, my French residence permit is about to expire (20th October) before getting the WP and RP. So I have to go back to my home country and wait for the decision.

My questions are

What shall I do when my country of residence changes during processing the application? (My employer used the French address, but I have to move to my home country during the process.)
What shall I do if the address in single permit application and the one in the visa application are different?
Any impacts on my application decision?

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance!
Update on Single Permit Application

Region: Flanders
Application: 8 Aug 2022
Work Permit Approval: 3 Oct 2022
Residence Permit: Waiting

Here are the updates on my single permit application

First time application

Region: Flanders

Application: 8 Aug 2022

Work Permit: 3 Oct 2022

Annex 46: 14 Nov 2022

Have a great day:)!

@PS_123456 It depends on the country you are applying from . in Tunisia since it s a single permit application it only needs :

WP RP passport picture and the form

@M Latifa ok thanks. In case of family it may be needed… let me get my RP first and then will ask my employer for same.

looks like People who got their WP in Oct started getting their RP approvals.

any idea guys how's the current market situation in belgium. Like in US layoffs already started. Even in Europe heard some startup's started layoff.

@M Latifa

Me too


I got my WP on 07/10, i called them today and they told me that it's still pending.

Has someone received his RP these last days who has more or less the same timeline?

@M Latifa did they reply promptly and provide update about your application?


First-time Single Permit Application

Region: Flanders

Application: 3rd October 2022

Single Permit - Privacy Notice email: 3rd October 2022

Work Permit Approval: Waiting

Annex 46: Waiting

Does anyone have a similar timeline?

I'm living in Paris, France after completing my master's here, Is there anyone who applied for a type D visa from Belgian Embassy, in Paris? I'm quite worried because I noticed no appointments for the next few months!

Thanks in advance!

@Nizar Turki yes I got my work permit on 6/10, still waiting for annex-46.

Did you called them? I have emailed but no response yet.


Mine was October 6 and no update yet

@sidsuman1811 yes by phone

I sent an email last week but no answer. So i called them this morning, they told me it's being processed .... No more

@VICTOR chosg For me the category is "Highly Skilled Worker", does the category even impact the processing times in any way?


Mine is also a highly skilled worker.

Besides, I live in Belgium, but I don't think highly skilled status impacts the processing time.

@VICTOR chosg Right, thanks for the info!

Technically, you can start working after getting a work permit right?

@VICTOR chosg I just noticed on this website [link under review] that processing time for First applications for highly skilled persons processing time is 8 weeks and for other categories, it's 10 weeks. I wonder how accurate this is, only time will tell 1f605.svg


Yes, but I think this process has humbled me, and I am not sure of the process. I just keep my fingers crossed


Region: Flanders

Application Date: 11 Aug

WP: 10 October

RP: 8 November

good luck to everyone

It would be more accurate if we count using working days , to avoid all the holidays and weekends in between.
For me :
Region Flemish Field IT
Application day ; 09 Aug 2022
WP: 4 Oct 2022
RP: waiting
( probably will get it in the next days or week if my calculations with working days are correct)
-@M Latifa


RP: 16 nov

good luck everyone , be patient and always stay this open to share information, it helps a lot , and i didn t feel alone in this bcz of you! so thank u

first time applicationto share my experience so far
no reply: july 27, 2022

wp approval: aug 19, 2022

annex 46: still waiting sad.png

-@ozan öfke

      still waiting. Any1 has same timeline that feel free to pm me

@ozan öfke Hi I have kinda the same timeline in Brussels.
No reply: 29th July
WP: 29th August
RP: still waiting

how its going with you man?

I was working in Flanders since mid-April with "search year" residency and work permit that I had, I had unlimited work permit together with search year residency so I could start working without a hassle. On 1st of October, I went to the city hall and asked to renew my residency because it was going to expire on 28th of October but they told me that it is not possible without the single permit.

My employer and I were not aware that they had to make a single permit application for me. I have talked to the legal expert that my company works with and she said we had to make the application before my residency expires, it is already made on 10/10/22 before the expiration of my previous residency. But I am not allowed to work in Belgium since 29th of October and the city hall cannot issue an Annex document to me to legalise my stay in Belgium during the waiting period of my Annex 46. The reason is, "search year" residency cannot be extended. Due to the new decision from the Immigration Office I cannot obtain any kind of document thus I will be an illegal resident until I get my Annex 46. However, the authorities confirmed that they are applying a “tolerance policy” in this respect. Meaning that in case of inspection/control, the authorities will not take action to extradite me from the country, as I am able to prove that a single permit application has been timely made for me during the 12-month period of my search year statute.

If there is anyone else experiencing the same issues or has the same timeline as I do, please reply me.

My timeline here:

First time single permit

Application made on: 10/10/2022

Privacy mail received: 10/10/2022

Single Permit: waiting

Annex 46: waiting

@M Latifa


My timeline

Flanders renewal

Application: 16 Aug

WP : 7 Oct

Annex 46: 16 Nov

Going to apply RP in town hall today.

Hello guys,

My passport has been still under progress at the consulate for the last 8 weeks after I have already waited 3,5 months to obtain WP and Annex 46.

Is there anyone exposed to a similar exceptionally long processing time at the consulate? It would be great to hear from people, who recently managed to obtain back their passports from consulates, how long their visa process took at consulates.

Thanks in advance,

Any one received Annex 46 who got their WP between 10th to 15th Oct?

Anyone with work permit who filed betwren  20 sep to 25 sep

@komalsinghk2 Still waiting for it

@komalsinghk2 I applied on 19th Sept. Received work authorization on 4th Nov. Waiting for RP.

@ozan öfke still waiting. What about you?

@bhargavmanivala thanks for the details!!

@bhargavmanivala thanks for the details!!

@ozturkomercan its getting really difficult to wait without knowing any update 1f610.svg
