
Old Dog New Tricks

Enzyte Bob

I came across an interesting video which mentioned an on line marriage from Utah for $1600, this was part of a topic recently.

The video is by: "Paul in the Philippines old dog new tricks" on You Tube, he is from Valencia. The video was a recently uploaded on Jan 02, 2022. He has a number of videos on his channel.

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideLooking for immigration lawyer with Filipino to UK expertise.Social Security payments may be delayedSpousal visa processing timeRodrigo Duterte arrested.

Sure i also got married to my Filipina wife in Utah and now im in the Philippines but i paid less than $800 total and it took me less than 2 months to get my 9a visa.


I did also and paid way less than 1600. Been in the Philippines since September. Second trip since we were married last year and staying this time.


yes.. old Paul is a pretty cool guy.. not much BS with him even though he's from the Auto Sales biz but I think he was in finance.  he does have some good vids


Yeah, Paul's entertaining in spite of his creepy laugh. What's his gf name? Legs butterface.


Let's be nice now....


yes spence.. .paul is pretty cool guy..mae is really nice... lots of good information and not a lot bull..


I think his girlfriends name is Mae. I like the way Paul starts his videos with.. "Hey there all you youtubers n tubettes, and various crazy people!".


I went direct thru Utah County and it was less than $150 and now I'm sitting with my wife in Dumaguete as I type this.
It's a bunch of leg work to get all the paperwork handled but it was worth it.
Just google Utah County online wedding