
The best age to move to Belize

Last activity 02 May 2022 by gonegirlhairstudio

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Hello everybody,

No two people experience expatriation in Belize in the same way, depending on their age and personal situation. We would like to know more about you and ask you to share with us when you decided to move to Belize.

How old were you when you moved to Belize? Did you go alone or with your family?

In your opinion, was it the right time to move there?

Do you find this country welcoming for your age group or for certain categories in particular? Why or why not?

Are there any incentives (financial aid, lower taxes, etc.) and for which category of expats?

In your opinion, is there an ideal age to move to Belize?

Thank you for your contribution!

Cheryl, team


i am 38 , female and single.
i live near hopkins and my friends are over 55.. so there is an age gap. i do not know any expads under 40. moste of the people i know did retire.
when i meet someone new (local people) there are 3 questions i am being asked
1 where is your husbad
2 where is your boyfriend
3 why dont you have a husband
1 out of 10 males will ask me what my name is. i get asked about my vanilla *** more then about my name so... there is that..
when i get asked where i live i need to lie cuz i needed to change my location a few time.. cuz for some reason, me belin female singel means that i must have male company even if i did not invite. so out of nowere men i spoken to  started to come over uninvited or even people i never met " yeah a friend of mine told me that you live here and you are single" like that is an unspoken form of invitation...
i had 13 dogs, 4 cats, 2 horses,4 pigs,6rabbits,350chckens.. and so on... and now i have 4 dogs... so my animals got stolen or killed when i was not at the property ..or even when i was there..thats why i have only 4 dogs now.. one assh..shot at one of my dogs, he has a company that sells stones so i will post his name when i remember it. not a nice person... some got attacked by guys with machetes ...
i could go on with all the stories ..
but the important thing there is :
bevore build a house or land talk to the neighbours, make sure you have people arround you that are good people. depending on the area you want to move to, dont make a misstake to come with a new 40k car, do not attrack unwanted attention.
people from the states moved to belize with big cars, money , buying land , building big, and in some places like placencia they started to push out the brown and black population, now they even have their own police .. so if you are white people will assume that you are also from the states or you also have a lot of money. because of this prices are higher as well. before you could buy land for 5k-10k now the same parcel can cost up to 150k ..
and if you think that something is cheap, please dont say it out loud!!
i was in a store , the guy before me " oh this is so much cheaper then in the states! like i would pay twice so much for this item back home" .. and the next day this exact item was more expensive.
so please say "oh that is expensive" because for some locals it already is so if expads start to say it, maybe they will lower the prices.

ok so this is all based on my experience.

what i lof about the country is its natue, i can build a cob houuse, a bamboo house on my own, the air is pure so is the water, there are many amazing animals unfortunatly many people that come for thous reasons, start to cut everything down to buils a big cement mansion or a huge house, start to use chemicalls to kill all the bugs in the house and the garden and addopt the same habbits like back home.

so if you plan to move to belize dont bring your habits with you. if you lof nature dont cut it down, or poison it, dont use coil for mosquitos, or spray for bugs, dont get 5 AC. get used to the nature, the bugs and temperature. locals burn the land to make space for corn, they cut it down for wood and dont plant a new seed. so if you move to belize plant trees , educate people about the importance of nature. move to the cuntry for the right reasons please...

Thank you for your honest and helpful post.


Age is not the important factor. Your mental state will determine whether you find the move a positive one or not.
You must be ready to adapt. Belizeans are not going to change their ways just because you flew in with big plans. Not should they change. It's not perfect here, but it's not perfect anywhere. It's like buying shoes, wear if only if it's comfortable.
Do lots and lots of due diligence before you make a permanent move . Old advice, but still the best..... rent before you buy, for a year or more.
30 years here. Working & playing. Like everywhere, some days better than others, but never what I would call a really BAD day.  I am here for the duration.
Happy to answer questions if you are thinking of Bz. I am NOT selling anything.


You are so right. No matter where an ex-pat locates, the same song and dance are performed. They always compare what is offered to the cost of what it was where they came from. You cannot do that. You can only compare to what is available where you are. Those ex-pats with plenty of money are doing a disfavor to the locals that are living at the subsistence level. When they start to purchase at what the local market allows then that ex-pat will begin to fit in with their chosen local and start to become a Local and not a foreign snob. I have been an ex-pat for over 60y years starting with forced status buy US Government in the early 60"s and continuing as I liked the live stile ' Now that my country under the leadership of Joe Biden is in a rapid decline with no sign of stopping in the neer future    I can only pray

 tLord where He directs that MY LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST has this under control. My family and I are  willing  to follow our Lord where He directed. If Belize is on his list for your salvation, we will listen for his guidance and proceed as directed. If any people can give us advice to safety for an 80-year-old ex-pap and his wife, your heal will be greatly appreciated.   Thanks. Scott And Eileen Kerkoski

Dean Baines

Thank you for your honest thoughts. This was a very good read. 



You said a mouthful. Thanks for being raw. 

Not living there full-time yet, but after dozens and dozens of trips, clearing land, fencing, bridge building (literally across creeks) - we have gotten to know a lot of locals and ex-pats.  Most of the ex-pats we have met are definitely mid-40's and beyond.  We are early/mid 50's ourselves now - even though we were in mid 40's when all this began.
We have the discussions/debate constantly about whether or not it is feasible to try and move down there full-time at our age.  You need to be young enough and in reasonably good physical condition since you will be doing a lot of the labor around the house/property yourself - plus there is no emergency 911 medical service to come get you in a few minutes if something does go wrong.
At the same time - at our age, we are more able to afford to do all the things we want, but still young enough to enjoy Belizean Life and all it's wonders.  I would imagine that a lot of ex-pats cut and go back to the World when physical/medical ailments start to appear - maybe late 60's and beyond.  Interesting topic to mentally chew on.....

@wri57 this very well said 

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