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Aidan in HCMC

To the member who posted about a possible rabies exposure.

You requested that we delete your account without the courtesy of responding to the replies you received.

Allow me to offer you a big "You're welcome", as well as some unsolicited advice.

Titrate down to 5mg/diem.

(this should not be considered "medical advice")


          Saw the president resigned after a year in office, is it just political infighting or more?  The biggest fear seems to be the reaction of foreign investors, the market being down 3% on the news.  Do expats invest in Vietnam?  Here in the Philippines most keep their investments in their country of origin.


Titrate down to 5mg/diem.
(this should not be considered "medical advice")

    -@Aidan in HC

Diem is an Indonesian word

It means 'Shut up' 1f60e.svg1f600.svg


@Aidan in HCMC

So absolutely no relevance with anything that's ever happened since.......... 😉

Changing the subject completely.

Anyone heard of a Dr Fauci🙄

Aidan in HCMC

              Saw the president resigned after a year in office, is it just political infighting or more?

Given his marching orders, no doubt. The full details as to why are not something we'll likely be privy to, 'round these parts.

  The biggest fear seems to be the reaction of foreign investors, the market being down 3% on the news.

If that 3% drop pushes up my CDN vs VND exchange, I'm all for it 1f603.svg

Do expats invest in Vietnam?  Here in the Philippines most keep their investments in their country of origin.       -@mugteck

I'll go (way!) out on a limb here and suggest that many of the expats investing in VN do so as a way to secure long-term visas. Expats in VN are not afforded the generous visa liberties enjoyed by foreigners in PH, sadly.

Aidan in HCMC

Titrate down to 5mg/diem. (this should not be considered "medical advice")    -@Aidan in HC
Diem is an Indonesian word
It means 'Shut up' 1f60e.svg1f600.svg-@Fred

In that case, I sincerely hope the poster speaks Indonesian.1f601.svg

I meant it in its translation from Latin, i.e. "day"


                  Saw the president resigned after a year in office, is it just political infighting or more?Given his marching orders, no doubt. The full details as to why are not something we'll likely be privy to, 'round these parts.     -@Aidan in HCMC

The so called Government News English newspaper is characteristically opaque: … 045409.htm

Note:   This paper originally linked from this site.

Ironically, a lot more news and analysis is available in New York via Bangkok: … Position=1

This follow up article gives an excellent description of the structure in Hanoi:  [link under review]

Note:   You should get 10 free reads a month in the NY Times.

Aidan in HCMC

Wonderful video (Link, YouTube) from film, 1896, colourized and

rendered in 4K 60FPS

"Wonderful video", in spite of the rather disturbing display of

colonial privilege in Vietnam at 4:53 (Link)


Wonderful video (Link, YouTube) from film, 1896, colourized and
rendered in 4K 60FPS
"Wonderful video", in spite of the rather disturbing display of
colonial privilege in Vietnam at 4:53 (Link)

    -@Aidan in HCMC

It reminded me of someone feeding scraps of bread to ducks.

A sort of inconsequential action that shows nothing but disdain.

goodolboy … l-migrants

Aidan in HCMC



A "new campaign" with a website and videos! Now then, that'll fix 'em!

Beyond irony is the fact that the UK Home Secretary's name is...

wait for it...

"Cleverly" !



bwahaahaahaa1f602.svg-@Aidan in HCMC

Especially if the migrants are already in France.   If there is any country, other than the US, with an ethical obligation to accept refugees from Vietnam, it would have to be France.  Despite that fact, these people probably weren't even born in 1976.  They are surely just economic migrants.


Any country that invades another, or takes any part in attacks against that country, has an obligation to look after displaced people from that place.

Many in the UK moan about GENUINE refugees from Afghanistan and Iraq, but many of the issues there were caused by the UK and US.

That leaves the offending countries guilty and obligated.


@Fred  That is essentially what I said, but more explicit.   From the end of the war until this century, the US did give preferential treatment to the "boat people" of Vietnam.  I have also known personally several people, all male, in both Hawaii and in HCMC who spent time in the reeducation camps after the war.   They are all quite elderly now.  I find it very difficult to believe that these people today fled to Britain for other than economic reasons. 

Aidan in HCMC


So, we've seen troubles with various "Int'l Schools" of late.

Green Shoots, APAX, American International School Vietnam (AISVN), Vietnam Australia International School in HCMC, and several others.

Then today we get this from VN Express - International school tuition in HCMC up to $33,000(Link VN Exp).

How soon, I wonder, before we hear of the next school experiencing (ahem) financial difficulties?

Time for people to wash that "elite", "prestigious", "top-tier", bullpoop marketing propaganda away.

Here's a free English lesson for the parents who've fallen victim

to these marketing ploys. "Real eyes, realize, real lies".


    @Fred  That is essentially what I said, but more explicit.   From the end of the war until this century, the US did give preferential treatment to the "boat people" of Vietnam.  I have also known personally several people, all male, in both Hawaii and in HCMC who spent time in the reeducation camps after the war.   They are all quite elderly now.  I find it very difficult to believe that these people today fled to Britain for other than economic reasons. 


I met a young lady when I lived it Trang Bang who now lives in USA because the US ran a program for Vietnamese children with suspected US fathers. They got their DNA checked & if they qualified they were taken to the Philippines for 6 months & then to the USA where they were taken by foster homes to be part of an American family I think the story went. Her father was of lets say African decent & she said her life was not easy here in Vietnam as a kid.

Ms My's dead husbands half brother is in the USA under the same program been for years & eventually found out who his father was, unfortunately his father is dead & the family don't want to make contact.

But good on the USA for even having a program like that.


I bet this article will generate some high-heat responses:

Aidan in HCMC

    I bet this article will generate some high-heat responses:

...authored by Nick Roberts, who finds it necessary to include his "preferred pronouns" after his name.1f610.svg

Aidan in HCMC

I'm about as "Left" as my right arm. That said, I have to admit that seeing these two guys going mouth-to-mouth way back in 1967 filled me with admiration for their courage. That took guts.



@Aidan in HCMC

I got a laugh when asked what my pronouns were.

I replied, my pronoun is "dude."

[based on what the locals seem to want to call me here in coastal Northern California.]


        I bet this article will generate some high-heat responses:

...authored by Nick Roberts, who finds it necessary to include his "preferred pronouns" after his name.1f610.svg-@Aidan in HCMC

I have only been asked that daft question once. My reply was 'f' and 'off'

Aidan in HCMC

Anyone else noticing the inordinate number of NEWS™ stories out of the US with "warnings", "precautions", "readiness", "survival" etc tips for the upcoming solar eclipse?

Seems just a bit over-the-top for what will be about 7 minutes of eclipse totality, no?


    Anyone else noticing the inordinate number of NEWS™ stories out of the US with "warnings", "precautions", "readiness", "survival" etc tips for the upcoming solar eclipse?
Seems just a bit over-the-top for what will be about 7 minutes of eclipse totality, no?

    -@Aidan in HCMC

All I know is the solar flux at this level has the ten metre band wide open.


697e7389e746cc2c4d808f3ccb4fd7bf89768652561b9f542c6b8ed277698505_1.jpg-@Aidan in HCMC

Why did I start humming YMCA?

Aidan in HCMC


I miss my...


Full size here


I miss my...
rtx-yaesu-ft-1000mp-mark-v.jpgFull size here-@Aidan in HCMC

I'll bet you do. I still miss all my gear but I'm building up bit by bit.

I have 2, 70, and 40 .. and I joined RAPI. The latter has a little at 142 and the usual on 27.

I bought a hand portable for the latter. I've just knocked a battery eliminator together and I'm building a 1/2 wave wire at the moment. I'm hoping to get it up as a vertical,  but space restrictions mean I'll probably end up with an inverted V.


I miss my...
rtx-yaesu-ft-1000mp-mark-v.jpgFull size here-@Aidan in HCMC

Have you tried Zelo and Echolink?

Not really radio, but both have a lot of nodes for repeaters all over the globe.

Aidan in HCMC


No, I haven't. I'll check them out.


Zello is a bit hit and miss but it does have a lot of links into repeaters and so on. A lot of UK and US CB groups have also set up links.

Other groups are interest things or chat groups. Ham groups commonly require youto prove you have a vadis ham licence, but that's normally a PM to the admin who QRZ your call.

Zello is also a very handy app if you're in a convoy as you can contact everyone with messages as requied. I've seen school field trip groups use it to keep comms for teachers.

You can join groups with either a QRcode or the exact name - They advertise on FBand other places.

Echolink is pure ham and you have to upload a copy of your licence before they activate your link. It has nodes all over the world.

Aidan in HCMC

For all the "Climate Deniers"™ out there, there's this!


(Link, Vimeo)

released only about 10 days ago

Aidan in HCMC

Foreign teachers grow cautious about Vietnam

jobs after Apax Leaders scandal

Ya' figure? (Link VN Express)

I mean, who wouldn't trust a guy nicknamed "Shark", right?

Aidan in HCMC


The headline of the article in the local e-rag VN Express, linked above, has been changed from

"Foreign teachers grow cautious about Vietnam

jobs after Apax Leaders scandal"


"Foreign teachers see no closure with Apax Leaders' unpaid salaries"

It's telling, and typical.


Anybody here using the 4% rule (or whatever numbers you have) as the source of income to live in Vietnam?

I am thinking of doing this to fund my Vietnam retirement when I am 53 (next year).   Still reading/learning on the best strategy and which bucket should the 4% be withdrawn from.

Rough breakdown:

60% Stock

30% CD/Money Market/Online saving

10% Bonds


    Anybody here using the 4% rule (or whatever numbers you have) as the source of income to live in Vietnam?
I am thinking of doing this to fund my Vietnam retirement when I am 53 (next year).   Still reading/learning on the best strategy and which bucket should the 4% be withdrawn from.

Rough breakdown:

60% Stock
30% CD/Money Market/Online saving
10% Bonds


Sure, I think if your net worth is $1,000,000 USD and it's properly invested, you can easily liquidate 4% of your assets & equities per year to live a great & comfortable retirement life here.


I understand there is a book out called "Die with Zero".   Perhaps this is the source of your idea Svho. It's an interesting concept but you will need to figure carefully.   It also must assume that you are not leaving behind others who need your support

Aidan in HCMC

    I understand there is a book out called "Die with Zero".   Perhaps this is the source of your idea Svho. It's an interesting concept but you will need to figure carefully.   It also must assume that you are not leaving behind others who need your support        -@THIGV

I've not read the book, but wouldn't a plan to "Die with Zero" also assume one knowing one's own expiration date?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ … 12#5848705


         My wife's biggest fear seems to be that she will die before she spends all of our money.  We have no children, but many Filipino family members depend on our help.  By 2026 she will have drained her IRA account, will depend on her monthly Social Security benefits.  If I die before her, she will get my monthly amount instead, currently $2,300/month.  She could easily live on that amount in the Philippines.


        I understand there is a book out called "Die with Zero".   Perhaps this is the source of your idea Svho. It's an interesting concept but you will need to figure carefully.   It also must assume that you are not leaving behind others who need your support        -@THIGV

I've not read the book, but wouldn't a plan to "Die with Zero" also assume one knowing one's own expiration date?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ … 12#5848705-@Aidan in HCMC

The idea wasn't from the book but other sources.   Any leftover when I died, it will go to one son.  I rather enjoy and drain all my money first LOL!!


Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for financial fraud:


    Vietnamese billionaire sentenced to death for financial fraud:

From Việt Nam News:


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