Best Visa to stay in Bali for YEARS with only $800 income ?

  • 75 years old,  German citizen,  German resident,  no relatives in Indo
  • Tiny pension income of 550 USD per month.  My son adds 300 USD /month to that.
  • around 2000 USD on bank account.
For this question i dont worry about health issues or costs of living.

Which Visa would be recommended & how would it work to stay in Bali for years?

Would it be neccecary to go to e.g. Singapur every 6 months to get another B211A 
OR are there better/easier ways to do it ?
best regards
Get married or, if that's a little more than you fancy, I'm assured Singapore has exceptional shopping.

I agree with mr fred.  Marrying an Indonesian is the best way for you.  Because you have a small budget.

You and I are in the same age group, albeit you are a bit older (my avatar is an old photo).  Your assets and monthly pension is under the minimums needed for a retirement visa, but a creative visa agent might be able to help you with that.

I've known a number of very senior age expats in Bali over my many years here and while marriage to a local was a frequent commonality among them, another was what I have come to call “creative senior management” or “adopt a kumpi” (grandfather).   By that I mean finding a family here that literally takes you in as a permanent home stay in their compound, a portion of your pension being a reasonable contribution to their overall compound expenses.  You won't have a whole lot of privacy, but you'll have a whole new family! 

Essential to this concept is learning the Indonesian language, as these families are less likely to know any foreign languages, including English.  Another aspect essential to this is where to look and to be realistic about where to live in Bali.  Prime areas for this sort of thing is the central highlands where the climate will be much more favorable to you anyway (way less hot) or way up north around Singaraja (which can get quite hot).  These areas are also far less pricey than Ubud and southern Bali. 

Obviously there is a great deal more to this than I can cover in a single post.  I just want to leave you with the idea that your idea isn't impossible. 

If you can afford an extended trip over here, that will be needed so you can look around and make contacts helpful to your objective. 

Good luck! 

@Ubudian Thank you for the information, I am considering living in Bali for some of the year. I am currently in Australia and looking into options so your advice was welcome.

Happy to hear that my advice was useful to someone.  The main point I was trying to make is that within the laws of Indonesia, there is plenty of room to be creative and still manage to realize a person's dreams of living here in Bali.  Good luck to you as well.