
Personal Security

Last activity 27 June 2022 by RTLisSB

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Saw this topic on another thread but it was very dated, so I hope someone with fairly recent experience can provide some answers.

In regard to personal security/privacy, is it common for landlords/owners to enter your apartment without notifying you first? Is there a law in this regard? What are your rights as a tenant? Are your rights different if you rent an AirB&B vice a long-term lease of an apartment?


Early 2020 just pre pandemic, rented 3 x Airbnb around HCMC. The owners just "barged in" with their keys any time they liked. No amount of Privacy/Decency complaining changed their attitude in the slightest. Even protests to Airbnb support met with shrugged shoulders. Gordon - > 1,000 Airbnb nights in 31 countries. 3% shocking rate.
Aidan in HCMC
Saw this topic on another thread but it was very dated, so I hope someone with fairly recent experience can provide some answers.

In regard to personal security/privacy, is it common for landlords/owners to enter your apartment without notifying you first? Is there a law in this regard? What are your rights as a tenant? Are your rights different if you rent an AirB&B vice a long-term lease of an apartment?


- @RTLisSB

I've had three landlords in my 5+ years here, and never had a problem with any of them entering without my permission. Those homes I rented were houses, not apartments, so had they wanted to enter while I was away they certainly could have (no security guard, no concierge). My current home here on Phu Quoc island is owned outright, land and house registered in SWMBO's name.

Now, that being said, each and every one of my VN friends and acquaintances tell me that they always change the locks when they rent, and strongly suggested that I do the same. I didn't, but it appears to be common practice. Upon termination of their lease, they reinstall the landlord's original lockset. I have no knowledge as to whether this is legal, but it seems to be done as a matter of course.

I have never rented an Air B&B.

I'd be interested if others with knowledge as to the actual writtenlegality of a landlord entering your abode would chime in.
Aidan in HCMC
Jesus! If me, after their first uninvited appearance, I'd retreat to the bathroom, emerge with a towel wrapped around me and let it "accidentally" fall to the floor. No apology offered to them, and I'd not skip a beat in my casual banter with them.
My guess is that their uninvited appearances would cease. If not, I'd start getting very nervous (lol).
Jesus! If me, after their first uninvited appearance, I'd retreat to the bathroom, emerge with a towel wrapped around me and let it "accidentally" fall to the floor. No apology offered to them, and I'd not skip a beat in my casual banter with them.
My guess is that their uninvited appearances would cease. If not, I'd start getting very nervous (lol).
- @Aidan in HCMC

Did the same thing with Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses.
I have had the opposite problem with landlords. They seem to not give a crap. Except for one time when the water pump burst and this one owner lost his mind over having to pay the grand sum of like 1 million to fix it. Breaking the bank there fella.

One landlord did however ask very intently if we were going away for Tet which we thought was weird. Turns out they wanted to rent our apartment out short term if we were away. Yeah sure, a bunch of complete strangers can totally stay at our home with all of our stuff in it and sleep in our bed so you can make a few bucks. That was pretty mind blowing.
@Aidan in HCMC
Nice, that is certainly one way to go about it!


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