
Mauritius fully open

Hello everyone,

Please note that the island is fully open whatever your vaccination status might be. Testing and self-isolation have been removed.


See also

Invest in MauritiusRetiring in MauritiusTraveling to MauritiusMarriage certificate and South African Police ClearancePolice clearance certificate from South Africa - living in UK
Thanks Anoushka for always keeping us up to date on the latest changes. Regarding accessing government buildings and hospitals etc - does one still need to be fully vaccinated and masked or has this requirement been lifted?
Hello Sociarta,

The vaccination pass won't be needed anymore, however it is compulsory to wear masks in the following :

- Hospitals, clinics, pharmacy, medical consultations (dental and general), retirement homes, centre for disabled, passenger terminal (port and airport).

And it is recommended for people over 60 + having health issues.
Thanks Anoushka - That’s a super positive development!
Thanks Anoushka - That’s a super positive development!
- @Sociarta
Was high time ^^
Pandora At Dodoland

Unfortunately "NOPE"! I went to customs today. I suppose to watch them open the container with my presence. But they do not give me the pass, since I forgot to take the vaccine record with me. Although I showed my 2 dose of Biontech digital record taken in HK, they say I need the 3rd one to give me the pass. Officially it said only mask required, but when they want to waste your time and shxx with you, no hesitation! My container arrived on Monday, up to today I still can't get my things even I paid "tips". Not proud of. But I feel like the meat on their table, up to them to cut me into every piece they want :(

@Pandora At Dodoland Oh this is very unfortunate. News from the ministry were clear though, the vaccination card will not be asked.

Pandora At Dodoland

Yeah, but I can't barge in when the officers say "No". And something is missing from the container. :(

Yeah, but I can't barge in when the officers say "No". And something is missing from the container. sad.png
- @Pandora At Dodoland
Yeah best avoid conflict.... 1f910.svg any way to report the missing item ?
Pandora At Dodoland

Not worth spending time making complaints or reports about it.  No one would put valuables in a shipping container for personal effects. All things in the container are sentimental and useful to me but no one else. For example, notes for 3dsMax. Without the software, it is useless to anyone. I don't know why they took it or not putting it back. Anyway, I thought I would be happy here. Corruption here is just as bad as monocratic where I come from