Cerco un posto da camionista.

Messo in linea 3 mesi fa
15 Visite

Cerco un posto da camionista in Portogallo o Nuova Zelanda, idealmente nel settore della logistica o dei trasporti. Ho 20 anni di esperienza alla guida di autocarri pesanti e trattori-rimorchi e sono in possesso di patente di guida cinese A2. Sono ansioso di mettere a frutto le mie competenze in un ruolo stabile a tempo pieno e sono aperto a posizioni che potrebbero richiedere straordinari o lavoro a turni.

testo originale

I am looking for a truck driver position.

I am looking for a truck driver position in Portugal or New Zealand, ideally in the logistics or transportation industry. I have 20 years of experience driving heavy trucks and tractor-trailers and hold a Chinese A2 driving license. I am eager to contribute my skills in a stable, full-time role and am open to positions that may require overtime or shift work.


Proficient in driving heavy trucks and trailers, with over 20 years of driving experience.

In-depth knowledge of road safety regulations and driving standards.

Ability to perform basic vehicle maintenance and troubleshooting.

Able to drive for long hours and adapt to various weather and road conditions.

Strong time management skills to ensure timely completion of transport tasks.

Effective communication skills for coordination with dispatchers and other team members.

Language skills: Basic proficiency in English (or any other language, if applicable).


Holding a Chinese A2 driver's license with over 10 years of experience in driving heavy-duty vehicles.

Dettagli sull'offerta di lavoro
Contratto a tempo indeterminato, Contratto a tempo determinato
Orari di lavoro
Tempo pieno
EUR 90
Con esperienza