Heathen money grabbing Expats: Who's back and who's going back

Afternoon guy's and gal's.
How many of you are planning on returning to your former / new jobs?
Would be good to meet up over a coffee one day, put faces to names.


was about to write to you - my flight is booked for 17 December!!  Will email you!!!  :-)

hoping to see Tripoli again.

Hey Jenni, I'm in around the 28th Nov, out on the 13th Dec. I've just been told they have cancelled issuing airport visa's AGAIN.... Changes everyday, keeps us on our toes though.

Send me a PM if you're ever planning on coming down to Benghazi.

I cancelled contract in December. See no point in returning. Let the Libyans learn to do things for themselves. The stirring of polystyrene cups excepted.

Les pat,

You cancelled contract or you lost a contract?

What is the matter none to bribe anymore?

i cancelled
you calling me liar?

Les pat,

pans on fire

Oh lordy, it's going downhill fast.
I have given up, off to PNG. At least there the locals want to learn and be educated, I am not seen as trying to take a locals job, they can see the value of learning and using my experience to improve their own education and job prospects.

A Libyan told me how he bought his degreee (Masters) on the internet, later on in the conversation, he disagreed with me, when I corrected him, he replied "I have a Masters Degree, what can you teach me" at that point I realised the country was doomed.

OMG, Office Boy, you sure did give me a laugh.  But at the same time I have to say that it is really sad.  Poor Libya!

What kind of work do you do, officeboy?


Why didnt you report him?

I do ... but .... what I can see and what I can hear about situation in Libya is:  nothing moves on. Which means my plans are one thing, reality is another.

I'm very seriously considering coming back. It's difficult to decide though, because every day I get different news - one day things are fine, back to normal. The next, everyone is still carrying guns and road checks up up at each neighbourhood. I'm not sure if I'll ever really get an answer until I see it for myself. It's still another 6 months before I would be back, so let's hope for some progress and development (in attitudes and maturity) in the meantime...

Moel, Ops Manager with a bias towards education.
I have 20 odd years experience in O&G, Power Generation and Training, my wife is  heavily involved in education (teaching degree's etc) and I firmly believe that expats are a stop gap, we should be there to pass on our knowledge and then move on.
Some people want to learn, others believe they know it all.
I have a lot of friends in Libya and would love to return one day, but after my trip in January I firmly believe that returning is years away.

Be sure to look me up in Australia if you get there in a few years time.
Enjoy PNG

Hey Les Pat, we will be rotating through Brisbane.
Packing stuff for move, house being built, so first trip into Brisbane will be in 8  weeks.
Let me know your contact details by IM

Hi all. I am new here in this site, but spent three years in Libya. I keep making 3 weeks visits/month since October 2011. Each month suggests some progress.
I believe a lot of expats will return by summer of 2012. The international schools are due to open by next season.
There is a big increase in prices of residences. But there are also some opportunities for the ones who take the risk. For example, it was impossible to find a place in Regatta, now plenty, but security run by Zintanis. I heard they were told to leave as well, I hope it happens.