Job offers in Norway

Explore job opportunities in Norway to boost your international career
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Everything you need to know to work in Norway
The labor market in Norway
Norway benefits from great working conditions; the unemployment rate is indeed well below the European average, wages are relatively higher and several weeks of paid holidays contribute to the happiness of Norwegian employees who are among the better off in the world. 
Find a job in Norway from abroad
Information designed for citizens of the EU-EEA: 
Working in Norway
As the most sought-after country among expats in Europe (and second most popular in the world), it may prove challenging to find work in Norway. There is a tendency for employers to favour Norwegians, mainly due to the fear that a foreigner is more likely to move on to another job faster. That said, if you're skilled, have a good command of the language and can convey a sense of long-term commitment (towards the specific job but also the country in general), you should be successful in your endeavours in Norway.  
Setting a business in Norway
In order to start a business in Norway, several local, national and overseas services are available to the public. Call the "Narvikstelefonen" for more information about starting a business in the country at the following number: ( 47) 800 33 840; check with the Ministry of Economy and Trade or visit "Bedin" website to get information kits, in Norwegian and English, about entrepreneurship. Do not hesitate to directly contact municipalities, which can sometimes offer support services to business creation.  
If you are young...
I lived in Harstad for a year with my mom trying to learn Norwegian so I could hopefully move to Oslo, get a job, and my own place. Finally I could not take living in such a small cliquish town anymore, so I said screw it, packed up my bags and moved to Oslo before I was even near being fluent in Norwegian.
The work culture in Oslo
Companies in Norway offer attractive work environments that provide a good work-life balance; it is precisely for this reason that many expats brave the colder climate to call Oslo home. Expats can prepare themselves for their new adventure by better understanding the work environment.
Job candidates in Norway
Instrumentation Engineer
Rajesh Barkur
Permanent contract
Added on 11/10/2024
EUR 100000
I'm looking for a job as a beautician
Desirée Molina Anior
Permanent contract
Added on 20/09/2024
EUR 2000
Added on 12/09/2024
EUR 6000
Master degree in Economics
Caroline Lyse Magnussen
Permanent contract
Added on 11/09/2024
Room maids
Nicholas Caruso
Permanent contract
Added on 02/08/2024
NOK 35000
Muchas ganas de trabajar
Seila huete muelas
Permanent contract
Added on 05/07/2024
Fixed-term contract
Added on 26/05/2024
Added on 20/05/2024
USD 2500
Added on 16/05/2024
Added on 02/04/2024
USD 2500
Cleaner in hotel, in houses,
Marios K. Papadopoulos
Permanent contract
Added on 24/12/2023
electrician station
alexandre fontaine
Permanent contract
Added on 06/12/2023
USD 2802
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