BIM - Architect / BIM - project manager
Motivated and experienced project manager, architect, and dedicated university instructor with a profound passion for design, innovation, and a commitment to social responsibility. I am actively seeking jobs to further my expertise and contribute to the advancement of the sector.
Web Technologies Fundamentals - HTML, CSS | Adobe (Adobe Premiere, Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign) | Autodesk AutoCAD
(2006/2017) | AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, | Building Information Modules (BIM) |
Microsoft Office package: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access | Archicad –
Graphisoft | Revit Integration With Navisworks | Visual Code
BIM(Building information modeling) ARCHITECT AND PROJECT
MANAGEMENT, Practical web development, PRODUCTION DESIGN, Master of Science in Environmental Planning and Landscape Design, Bachlors of Science in Architecture and Urban planning