Job offers in Dubai

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Everything you need to know to work in Dubai
Finding a job in Dubai
Home to 9 million expats, the UAE is a very popular relocation destination. If you are employed by a company in Dubai, you will be able to apply for a residence permit and access all the amenities of this cosmopolitan emirate. 
The work culture in Dubai
Dubai has become a second home for many nationalities from around the globe, which makes the work environment even more unique and interesting. Exposure to various cultures and ideologies can encourage you to think outside the box in different scenarios but to thrive professionally in Dubai, it's essential to understand the local work and life culture.
The labor market in Dubai
Dubai is one of the most desirable destinations for any expat in a peaceful and secure country. Home of sand, fuel, and ocean, this city's success story is such that everyone wants to be a part of it. Hosting major international events, Dubai remains one of the world's prime destinations for work and investment.
Working in the United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is not only a popular destination for visitors around the world but also a great place to work for expatriates. The UAE takes pride in its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, warm hospitality, and modern facilities. Expatriates who work in the UAE benefit from these and receive tax-free salaries.
Starting a business in the United Arab Emirates
There are several advantages to starting a business in the United Arab Emirates. According to the “Ease of Doing Business” report (a World Bank Flagship report), the United Arab Emirates ranks 16th worldwide. It ranked 17th worldwide for starting a business and 13th in terms of protecting minority investors.
Internships in the United Arab Emirates
If you are not ready to make a long-term professional commitment to the UAE, an internship can be a great way to test the waters. Interning in the UAE can also help you gain more professional experience, advance your career, get working experience abroad, and more. 
Job candidates in Dubai
Office Administrator
Chloe Turner
Permanent contract
Added on 09/10/2024
USD 10000
Added on 07/10/2024
0 د.إ
Added on 07/10/2024
EUR 5000
General practitioner Pediatric surgeon
Julio Alberto
Permanent contract
Added on 06/10/2024
USD 6000
Added on 04/10/2024
EUR 25000
Added on 04/10/2024
Marketing Product Manager
Amina Bouacheria
Permanent contract
Added on 02/10/2024
USD 9500
Home help/Housekeeper
00223 94 44 85 06
Permanent contract
Added on 01/10/2024
Accounting Manager - Team Manager
Permanent contract
Added on 01/10/2024
USD 6000
Permanent contract
Added on 30/09/2024
Full stack java angular developer
Permanent contract
Added on 26/09/2024
EUR 60000
Searching for new professional horizons
Juan Tomás Herná
Permanent contract
Added on 14/09/2024
USD 60000
Permanent contract
Added on 09/09/2024
USD 10000
Application for a waitress
Nalwoga Precious
Permanent contract
Added on 05/09/2024
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