Canadian looking for information about Vietnam
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Lives in Victoria
Registration: 21 November 2015

Locking down a flat while still abroad by mmgassociates
Hi guys. I recently found a flat that I wanted through a rental agency on their facebook page. The page is [link moderated] They came back after a few days, everything agreed upon, and wrote up a contract for me that I got today. I offered to ...

Totally agree with previous comments however, you can book an apartment here in Vinhomes for same price or lower than hotel, and the property agent will show you whatever you want in your budget.With over 20,000 new and vacant properties, from ... Read More

traveller check by brianAFSER73
does anyone still use traveller check while overseas. do local viet bank honor them. just curious, rather than carrying cash, lest it stolen or lost.

Ah, thanks for clarification Read More

traveller check by brianAFSER73
does anyone still use traveller check while overseas. do local viet bank honor them. just curious, rather than carrying cash, lest it stolen or lost.

I’ve often wondered this myself? I’d only use American Express if I did. Call Amex and ask them? I recommend getting a local bank account here - i easily got one as a tourist - rules change frequently here, so don’t know how ... Read More

Locking down a flat while still abroad by mmgassociates
Hi guys. I recently found a flat that I wanted through a rental agency on their facebook page. The page is [link moderated] They came back after a few days, everything agreed upon, and wrote up a contract for me that I got today. I offered to ...

Contact Vinhomes Grandpark leasing agents.look for Bridget or pm me for information.Highly recommended rental suites - daily, weekly, monthly, yearly.Yes, 1 month plus 1 month. standard practice here. you won find a greater place to live from ... Read More

certificate of good standing by srabonahm
Hello, I am from Cambodia. I worked as a doctor in Vietnam for 5 years. Now i plan to move to Singapore. I want to register there to work as a doctor. One of the paper i need that is certificate of current professional status or certificate of good ...

I’m guessing it’s like a Police Record check in Canada? The police run your ID through their data base to see if you have a criminal record and provide a printout at a nominal fee or free.Many employers requie this and will cover the ... Read More

Marriage in Vietnam by IamCharlie
I'm planning on marrying my Vietnamese fiance soon, and I was wondering what costs I'm looking at. I know people are going to charge whatever but I don't want to be completely ripped off. So if anyone can give me an idea of what the marriage ...

We had to see 6 different doctors. They counted fingers and toes. (can’t marry if one missing?) lolDifferent doctor for each exam.Looked in ears and mouth, counted teeth.Hearing test - fiancée had to instruct me because no English ... Read More

Visa confusion by mmgassociates
Apologies if this has been talked about already, but I was doing some research on visas and found some contradicting information. My goal is to move to Vietnam to teach English. I understand that I need a working visa for this, but in order to apply ...

@Aidan in HCMC5 million will get you 1 bedroom or studio - high tech fingerprint access plus swimming pools, cheap secure motorcycle parking and 24 hr security, and definitely inside ex-pat bubble - too many new English schools to ... Read More

Moving to Vietnam with personal belongings by Kiteflyer
Hi,I have read some alarming messages here saying that used goods can't be imported. Surely there must be an exception for persons who are moving to the country because they are married with a Vietnamese woman. I am not leaving behind an address and ...

@devarj57do you know of a similar service in Canada? I have many books to ship and they don’t travel well in suitcases… Read More

Visa confusion by mmgassociates
Apologies if this has been talked about already, but I was doing some research on visas and found some contradicting information. My goal is to move to Vietnam to teach English. I understand that I need a working visa for this, but in order to apply ...

@Aidan in HCMCtypically not well paid was probably misleading - I was referring to the fact that the hours of paid instruction can vary greatly and to my knowledge teachers aren't paid for holidays? of which there seems to be an extraordinary ... Read More

New Foreign English Teachers Requirements Decision 4159/QD-BGDDT by Aidan in HCMC
Aspiring English teachers to Vietnam, take note.As of Dec6th/2023, new regulations regarding foreigner's eligibility to teach English in Vietnam.Applies to native speakers (English language) with a college degree or higher, foreigners with a college ...

@Aidan in HCMCthe perils of not keeping up to date on regulations. I read only last week about English teacher language skills must be native speakers froma British Colony or countries listed which included Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, and ... Read More

Visa confusion by mmgassociates
Apologies if this has been talked about already, but I was doing some research on visas and found some contradicting information. My goal is to move to Vietnam to teach English. I understand that I need a working visa for this, but in order to apply ...

@Aidan in HCMCYes, some airlines rules, because if you are rejected by immigration officials it used to be that Airline had to take you back at their cost because technically you shouldn’t have a ticket without having proper papers or visa ... Read More

Visa confusion by mmgassociates
Apologies if this has been talked about already, but I was doing some research on visas and found some contradicting information. My goal is to move to Vietnam to teach English. I understand that I need a working visa for this, but in order to apply ...

You are missing the fact that most governments won’t admit non-citizens of their country without a return ticket or a ticket out to another country.You don’t mention which country you are or your nationality?Regardless, you need to read ... Read More

Moving to Vietnam with personal belongings by Kiteflyer
Hi,I have read some alarming messages here saying that used goods can't be imported. Surely there must be an exception for persons who are moving to the country because they are married with a Vietnamese woman. I am not leaving behind an address and ...

Air Tags are worth the expense to track luggage.i always travel economy class and unless changes are recent, International flights 2 free pieces fromNorth America at least. I use clothes to wrap breakables or just to cushion the contents. My ... Read More

I intend to arrive Ho Chi Minh City for one month TEFL course by godsontn
My name is Godson from Nigeria. I intend to arrive Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a one month TEFL course. I already bought a one way ticket but I was told I could be denied entry for not having a return ticket. So, I’m wondering if it’s ...

I also doubt that anyone will hire you with a one month TEFL course and no experience teaching it?If you have Nigerian accented English, make that zero chance of teaching English and certainly not in a school.Most teaching jobs aren’t ... Read More

I intend to arrive Ho Chi Minh City for one month TEFL course by godsontn
My name is Godson from Nigeria. I intend to arrive Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a one month TEFL course. I already bought a one way ticket but I was told I could be denied entry for not having a return ticket. So, I’m wondering if it’s ...

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