Hungarian expat
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Budapest
Speaks English, Hungarian, learning Greek
Registration: 15 November 2010

Lakcímkártya Help by carleski222
I am a US and Hungarian citizen. I have a US and Hungarian passport. When I received the Hungarian passport I also received a lakcímkártya with NO address on it. I bought a flat in budapest so I now have an address. Lastly, I also ...

@carleski222 You can do it online through ügyfélkapu but I don't know how long it takes to receive the actual card. If it's urgent then go to the nearest kormányablak, they issue the updated card right away. Read More

Cashing a check by Lilly76
Greeting!Does anyone have any suggestions how to cash a US issued check?Called many banks here in Hungary and Germany, Switzerland, UK, Serbia but none will do. Western unions and currency exchange places won't cash either.Thanks,Lilly

@Cynic hi, I've been told by UK banks that if I have an account I could deposit the check but being a non resident is not possible to open one to begin with.Unfortunately I can't ask them to wire it, it's complicated and I'm happy that I got paid as ... Read More

Cashing a check by Lilly76
Greeting!Does anyone have any suggestions how to cash a US issued check?Called many banks here in Hungary and Germany, Switzerland, UK, Serbia but none will do. Western unions and currency exchange places won't cash either.Thanks,Lilly

@nz7521137 Hi, it's a USA treasury issued check, and normally I'd deposit it through my bank's app but this one is over the monthly limit. Can't cut the check up 😂😂 My bank won't raise the limit, and it's nearly impossible to talk to ... Read More

Cashing a check
Greeting!Does anyone have any suggestions how to cash a US issued check?Called many banks here in Hungary and Germany, Switzerland, UK, Serbia but none will do. Western unions and currency exchange places won't cash either.Thanks,Lilly Read More

AMC Hungary showing Walking Dead? by GuestPoster115
Hello everyone, I was looking forward to the new season of Walking Dead on AMC. I have that channel on my cable with UPC in english! But it did not come on Sunday! Then i heard in UK it was coming on today Feb 15 at 9pm but it did not come then ...

I'm also interested watching the new season. I watched them all so far on Netflix. Yes, there's Netflix now locally and it's in English, but they offer different titles than in the US. I found that out by watching a movie on my tablet ... Read More

Can 2 Adults live on 2000 USD net take home a month? by GuestPoster115
Hello everyone, First off i see that this same question is asked many times on here so i thank those in advance for replying. I did search for a topic but i did not see one that fit me exactly so i thought i would post a new topic My father and I ...

Hi Felicia, I also collect social security (survivor's benefit) that is $2000 a month. I raise my two kids from that money, and we're well off (much better than generally the locals or when we lived in the USA) but we're far from being ... Read More

Three items I can't find by missustoad
(1) a REASONABLY priced saucepan with handle (the ones at Mammut are expensive and I don't want to buy expensive. I'd love one for under $50 that is in the middle quality range...) Any large grocery stores sell them? I am desperate but unwilling ...

1. Tesco or Auchan usually have decent selections for a decent price. Also maybe IKEA, Kika... 2. You can find frozen spenót at almost any grocery store, but at Auchan or Tesco for sure. When in season check (open air) markets. 3. Have your own ... Read More

Bedlinen, towels etc...? by Stephanie99
Just wondering if anyone has recommendations for buying inexpensive bedlinen, pillows, towels etc? We went to Ikea when we first arrived; is there anywhere else you know of? We are in district V but happy to travel. Nothing expensive as we are here ...

Tesco, Cora, or Auchan stores might be a good choice for finding cheap stuff like that. Lilly Read More

Need advice on Internet and TV? by gosubmit
I have my own rented apartment in budapest and i am looking to install high speed internet + HD TV. Will buy a new TV very soon. Are english TV channels available?, especially which channel shows UEFA champions league football? How much it will ...

Hi, As far as I know there are two big companies that offer HD channels plus high speed internet. UPC and DIGI. I happen to have UPC, with high speed internet, land line phone, and HD tv channels with a DVR. Write me in private and I can send you ... Read More

Nagyvazsony ?? by millymolly
Hello, Does anyone know how far this village is from budapest ? Think this is how you spell it we say it in england like it starts with KNOTSvazsony ? Any help, Thaks

Yes, there's a place called Nagyvázsony in Hungary. It's north of Lake Balaton, rougly about 140 km from Budapest. Actually, it's also very close to Tótvázsony. :) Read More

Top 5 Favourite things about Hungary. by william.maybanks
I thought it would be interesting to see what is everybody's favourite things about Hungary/Budapest. Ill start it off :) 1)Turo Rudi !! 2)Proper weather! 3)Citrom Beer 4)Sporting facilitates available 5)Hungarian food and take away food ...

My favorite things about Budapest (and Hungary as well): 1. Logistically convenient to anywhere else in Europe 2. The old feel of the city and the architecture throughout even when some of the buildings are almost in ruins at certain areas (that ... Read More

So what brings you to Hungary? by GuestPoster116
I'm curious how everyone ended up in Hungary. (sorry if this is old news, I'm new to the forum) Some people think I'm crazy for leaving the "wonderful amazing perfect and glittering" United States for "stupid old Hungary", and I can't seem to ...

For me it was a combination of many things. I needed some distance from a memory of a love that was lost, a desire to come back to my roots and find some family members that I haven't seen in 15-20+ years, teaching my children a language that ... Read More

Movie anyone????? by Hollycat
I really like movies of all types - blockbusters to small independent movies. I usually go with my uni friends once every week or two (depending on what's showing) so if anyone is interested please post and maybe we can meet up and have a movie ...

I'd also like to join! Let me know the times and what's on the menu! ;) Read More

Power cord for laptop? by Lilly76
Hey, I have a question about power here vs the USA. I have a Toshiba laptop that I brought with me from the US, and now I need a new charger for it. With the original power cord I've been using an AC adapter to convert the power to 110 V. I'm ...

I talked to a Toshiba person and they said a European power cord should work, as long as it's the same (DV 19V/3.42A), so seems like Media Markt's power cord will do. However, I will look into those surge protectors. I had my desktop fixed right ... Read More

Power cord for laptop? by Lilly76
Hey, I have a question about power here vs the USA. I have a Toshiba laptop that I brought with me from the US, and now I need a new charger for it. With the original power cord I've been using an AC adapter to convert the power to 110 V. I'm ...

Hey! Thanks for all the responds. I went into a local electronic shop and they had no clue if the Hungarian power cords would work besides, they didn't have any. I realized I have an acquaintance who works at Media Markt in Budapest so I asked her ... Read More