Afghan citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sabur Khanah, Badghis
Registration: 20 December 2017

Vietnam girl only marries me either..... by Huan07
She told me she will only marry me if i let her work in KTV lounge for 2 years to save up for business venture and settle her financial woes. After 2 years she will stop and ask me to go vietnam stay with her. Or i give her monthly $1k sgd monthly ...

*** Read More

teaching English over 60 in Hanoi by fbower
Hello All Do schools hire native English speakers over 60 to teach? If you have any comments/suggestions, it would be most appreciated.

I think legally now, plus there is a government crackdown on foreigners working illegally at the moment. Read More

Calling police to stop loud music??? by lawrence1979
Moved into a new high rise apartment building. By local standards not a cheap place to live. Seems the neighbors below us are running an underground dance club. Club music begins playing just about every night around 11pm. Doesn't stop ...

glue the door lock whilst they r in or out Read More

Teaching Documents by jackcrosby1990
First off, I'm sorry of this has been asked in countless threads, but after searching throughout the web I can't seem to find any sort of straight answer so I was hoping someone could clear this up for me. I'm heading over to Vietnam ...

Basically, it's better to work illegally. Dumb, corrupt system Read More

Temporary residence card(TRC) by Rashedulislam1972
Hi buddys ,is there anybody who can share me experience how to get TRC after having the investment license? I have been to several agencies and lawyer but they demand from 1500 to 2000 USD for my TRC while the immigration department procedure says ...

Don't bother with vietscam Read More

Catholic mass in English? by Milush
Hello I am from South Africa and am looking for a Catholic parish. I have googled and see there are a few just wondering if anyone has attented any english services and could recommend one. I do not have my own transport and am residing in d2. I ...

It seems strange to me, in Belfast, our mass was always in Latin. All over the places I've been really. I just presumed all mass was in Latin. I went to a Chinese church once, -it wasn't even any comprehensible kind of Chinese and I speak ... Read More

Buon Ma Thuot - sunrise by MasterofDisaster
Anyone know how many foreigners live there? what's it like? Any info on Sunrise Language Centre? Thanks

Thankyou, 1954= Catholic; 1975 = poor communist?? My family are both so I should fit right in hah. Perhaps it's more relevant to another thread but I know whiteys aren't supposed to stray too far from the city. We are supposed to get ... Read More

Buon Ma Thuot - sunrise
Anyone know how many foreigners live there? what's it like? Any info on Sunrise Language Centre? Thanks Read More

Blood Test for Work Permit by Tsitta
Hello, What kind of check-up is done by blood sample for work permit in Vietnam? Do they check for HIV? I mean what if the result turn out to be positive, will they refuse the work permit? P.S I'm not in Vietnam yet and my employer is ...

Yes and Yes Read More

Important notice for Vietnam visa - 30th March by Emily visa expert
please never come to vietnam with a tourist vissa, never use the tourist visa at any reason if you will stay a long time in Vietnam,... + The Business visa: It is so easy and cheap to get a visa extension without leaving the country: 3 month, 6 ...

my cuz (vietkieu - no VN passport etc) just got a years biz visa 3 mill without leaving the country in Nha tTrang. not bad Read More

Work Permit with driving misdemeanor by autumn1025
Hello, I am currently looking for work as an English teacher. I have some great offers to decide on but I'm worried about my criminal check keeping me from receiving my work permit. I have a misdemeanor from 2015. It was a driving incident. ...

I think they will just sh!tcan u and choose the next applicant Read More

Issues with Transferwise by def1412
I initiated a transfer from my US bank to Vietcombank using transferwise. After issues with the swift code (bank provided it with a space) and getting that resolved, it took several days and nothing happened. I called transferwise in US and was ...

limited stuff in VN
Its just when u go to buy a decent tyre or allen keys. u can get them anywhere because theres no market and therefore no shop for them. Maybe Hanoi/ HCMC r better but the rest of the country is really hard to get things normal western people ... Read More

DNA test for my baby? by Thaiger
I need to get it done for the six month birth certificate. Have been endlessly lied to by ridiculous scammy scum. Is there actually a way to have a blood sample taken. Processed in Quy Nhon, Nha Trang or sent to Hanoi, Hcmc for processing. ...

yes , it s a com. a dna test cpsts 150% nowadays it is just pure theft by the family members of the people who decide half foreign children thiefs and criminals utterly disgraceful vietnam. a maifa state purtinding to be for the people. a ... Read More

STEP by STEP GUIDE to obtain LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE with FATHER'S NAME for UNMARRIED PARENTS Contrary to popular belief it is possible and relatively easy to obtain the long form birth certificate with the father's name even if the parents ...

what do u call a monolpoly owned by a famil;y member that defines the rules??? Read More