Mauritian looking for information about Vatican
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Bangalore, Karnataka
Speaks English, French, Hindi and mauritian creole
Registration: 18 April 2012

Busses -Mount to La Croisette by VK28
Hello to everyone,can someone please help to tell me which busses are going to La Croisette apart from 215 express.As I am waiting for my driving lisence,I dont want to miss outings and taxi is sometimes too expensive on daily base.Thanks

As you would have guessed, there are no direct busses from Mount, But if you can get to Piton Bus terminal, you could get 2 busses that goes to La Croisette, the Triolet Bus Service, route number 29 and an Individual Bus service route number 240 29 ... Read More

Isopropyl alcohol by Gerdus2001
I need Isopropyl alcohol for my art projects in Mauritius . It must be 99% pure. Can someone please point me to a supplier.

@Gerdus2001, did you mange to find a supplier for the Isopropyl Alcohol? I also happen to be in need of it for cleaning scanning devices. If you did find it, Could you please let me know where. Thanks. Read More

Completing my profile by M2West
Hello I am Marie from UK planning to move back to Mauritius. I joined 3 days ago and I skipped part of my profile to get back to it later. When in edit mode, it does not allow you to do so. Has anyone come across this? Any tips welcome. I have ...

Thanks Fred. yes there is a limit of 255 characters in the database to store the interests Read More

Completing my profile by M2West
Hello I am Marie from UK planning to move back to Mauritius. I joined 3 days ago and I skipped part of my profile to get back to it later. When in edit mode, it does not allow you to do so. Has anyone come across this? Any tips welcome. I have ...

Hi again, I just had a go at editing each element of my profile and didn't encounter any issues. If you guys could have a go again and if possible let me know if there are any visible error messages please. If possible could you guys also try a ... Read More

Completing my profile by M2West
Hello I am Marie from UK planning to move back to Mauritius. I joined 3 days ago and I skipped part of my profile to get back to it later. When in edit mode, it does not allow you to do so. Has anyone come across this? Any tips welcome. I have ...

Hi, Good afternoon everyone, I'm onto this problem and will keep you guys updated when the problem is resolved. Thank you. Cheers, Devo Read More

Messaging Problem by Miggy21
Hey guys, is just me who is having problem with the messaging? Whenever a get a new message notification and click on the messages (the envelope icon), all it shows are just old messages and i had to mark my archives as unread to reveal the latest ...

We are currently looking into this problem. I have sent PMs to both Fred and Miggy to try and resolve the issue. Thanks, Devo Read More

New-Postings Alerts to my Private Email Account by lacret60
Hi William! I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question (HERE especially) and take up valuable space and even your time...BUT...guess what? I'm going to ask it ANYWAY... I used to receive ALERTS on my COMCAST EMAIL ACCOUNT about new postings on ...

thats fantastic. Please do not hesitate to get back to me if you notice any problems. Will keep testing for a bit longer to see if I missed anything else. Thanks. Regards Devo Read More

New-Postings Alerts to my Private Email Account by lacret60
Hi William! I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question (HERE especially) and take up valuable space and even your time...BUT...guess what? I'm going to ask it ANYWAY... I used to receive ALERTS on my COMCAST EMAIL ACCOUNT about new postings on ...

Hi Dalia, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It was end of February that I got in touch with comcast. It should be ok from their side I believe, unless as i said before, I missed any of our outgoing IP addresses. I forgot to reset a couple ... Read More

New-Postings Alerts to my Private Email Account by lacret60
Hi William! I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question (HERE especially) and take up valuable space and even your time...BUT...guess what? I'm going to ask it ANYWAY... I used to receive ALERTS on my COMCAST EMAIL ACCOUNT about new postings on ...

Hi Dalia, I sent you a PM with a couple of questions and requests which could help us to resolve the issue at hand. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks. Devo Read More

New-Postings Alerts to my Private Email Account by lacret60
Hi William! I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question (HERE especially) and take up valuable space and even your time...BUT...guess what? I'm going to ask it ANYWAY... I used to receive ALERTS on my COMCAST EMAIL ACCOUNT about new postings on ...

Hi Dalia, I confirm that we are aware of the problem with the comcast domain. They added us to their blocklist and all our outgoing emails towards a comcast domain was being blocked. We got in touch with them and they have already removed a set of ... Read More

need help from team by suefrankdahl
Am having trouble posting replies. Some days when I click on post reply I get register screen. Thanks, Sue

Hi Sue, Its probably because you are not always logged in when you are reading a post then clicking on the reply button. Could you please check if you are logged in before you click on the reply button, and please do get back to me if the problem ... Read More

Dating website inviting me with the same password as expat blog by Africa Mojo
Hi I joined Expat-BLog.com to become part of a community . Little did I know that I would be bombarded with emails from dating clubs. The scariest part is that they got the same password as I logged into expat-blog.com. This is serious . They ...

Hi Africa Mojo, we definitely are not associated with any dating site. In the contrary we strongly advertise that our site is not a dating site. In order to investigate this matter, could you send me by email, any of the emails you have received ... Read More

Unable to read Japanese message by Satran
Hello, It wasn't a problem before, but lately some messages in Japanese that i received, all the content was shown in question marks (?) instead of Japanese characters. Could you please let me know how it can be fixed? Thank you!

Hi Satran, this has been fixed, it is now possible to receive/send private messages in other languages. I'm sorry, but we cannot do much for those that you have already received as ?????? instead of Japanese characters. Cheers, Devo Read More

Bugs in the forum software by beppi
I have just tried to report this post (https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=332814) and the report button seems to not work on Google Chrome. In addition, this user (and others I encountered in the past) has an incorrect post count shown: "4 ...

Hi Beppi, thanks for getting back to me. I will keep testing on chrome to try and reproduce the problem. for the post count, yes they count towards the ability to send PM. We will have an internal look at that. Thanks. Cheers, Devo Read More

Bugs in the forum software by beppi
I have just tried to report this post (https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=332814) and the report button seems to not work on Google Chrome. In addition, this user (and others I encountered in the past) has an incorrect post count shown: "4 ...

Hi beppi, Could you please provide us with more details about your browser and operating system and also if you could describe what happens when you click on the report button in the report box. I had a go on chrome and the reporting did work for ... Read More