


Active member

American expat in Vietnam

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About me


Lives in Ho Chi Minh City

Speaks English

Registration: 05 June 2012


Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Doctor/Hospital Recommendation - non urgent care by swendig

I haven't seen a doctor in many years and would like just a general physical exam. Is there a doctor or hospital that anyone can recommend? Anyone out there had a positive experience? Cheers!


My family and I use Victoria Healthcare offices mostly. Except we did use FV a lot when my wife was pregnant. However we really like Victoria. The doctors are all professional and speak English well, which is important to me. I believe they have a ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Attorney/Firm For Marriage Assistance (Saigon) by mtgmike

I'm looking for attorneys/firms local to Saigon able to assist with marriage between a foreigner and a Vietnamese national. Any suggestions from those with knowledge on the matter would be very much appreciated. Feel free to P.M. me. Thank you!


They will not discourage you from getting married. I got married in Vietnam and my wife and I did all the paper work ourselves. If you will be doing it without the help of your wife, and do not have a Vietnamese friend to help you, then yes I would ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Attorney/Firm For Marriage Assistance (Saigon) by mtgmike

I'm looking for attorneys/firms local to Saigon able to assist with marriage between a foreigner and a Vietnamese national. Any suggestions from those with knowledge on the matter would be very much appreciated. Feel free to P.M. me. Thank you!


As long as you have a true bona fide relationship with a lot of proof and not a huge age difference then it is not too difficult. However, it is a long process. You would be best to read and ask questions at a forum that better suites the topic. I ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Sending gifts to a friend in Vietnam.... by Barber368

Hey all, I am looking at sending some gifts to a friend in Vietnam for her birthday in October. I have been trying to find out what is permissable to be sent nto Vietnam. I know the obvious things are weapons, drugs and alcohol.....i was ...


Remember anything you send will be taxed. In order to receive the package she will have to pay that tax. I am sure there is a way you can pay it when sending maybe....not sure how it works. I lived in HCMC and my family sent me gifts for Christmas. ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago


i hope that my speaking skill is improved soon. i make every effort to speak English well. i think that i have no good condition for practicing. i do want us to get together for this goal. i am glad to be friends with you!!!!


English is a language of confidence. To be successful in English you have to be confident. Speak up and DON"T be afraid to make mistakes. A native English teacher will know English is not your 1st language and is not going to get mad, laugh, or ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago


Does anyone know where can i buy an electronic cigar in D1?


Not sure where to buy. But I saw a guy last night using one. Talked to him about it for a while but did ask where he bought it. I might see him again sometime and if I do I'll ask him. Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

My vietnamese girlfriend cannot stay at my house in vietnam overnight by enigma1981

Today i went to the local police station in da nang,cause i just renewed my visa,and the policeman told me they have right to check my house which i rented one month ago anytime even at mid-night?! And my vietnamese girlfriend cannot stay at my ...


Well I have to disagree with you. I have been registered with my then girlfriend at the same house hold. She is Vietnamese and I am an American. We lived together before marriage. We are now married. Like I said it is NOT against the law. Show me ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

My vietnamese girlfriend cannot stay at my house in vietnam overnight by enigma1981

Today i went to the local police station in da nang,cause i just renewed my visa,and the policeman told me they have right to check my house which i rented one month ago anytime even at mid-night?! And my vietnamese girlfriend cannot stay at my ...


People...There is NO law that prohibits two people from living together that are NOT married!!! This all relates back to old law in 1986 which has been changed in 2000. Police enforce it still the way they want even though the law has changed. You ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Why call "late father" by nguyennhungcetac

Who is late father? Who is late father lawyer? I dont know why call this? We have only once father already.


Late father means that the father has passed away (died). Late mother - same as above Father-in-law: Your spouse's father Mother-in-law: Your spouse's mother In-Laws: Spouses parents get the idea hopefully Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Growing food in Saigon by SanderVietnam

Hi guys, I've got a bit of room around the house and I'd like to plant some edible plants. I was wondering what's easy to grow and is readily available. I tend to let plants die quite often :/ so nothing too tricky please! Cheers


Garden space is hard to come by in the city. You can use pots but will need to water a couple times a day if they are outside as the sun/heat will dry pots out quickly. If you have enough space such as a rooftop or patio have you thought about a ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

US Expats... Do you have to return to US each year to do your tax? by ttra

To US Expats currently living in Vietnam. Do you have to return each year to do your tax? The deadline for yearly tax filing to the IRS is April 15. If you do your tax each year, does that mean you still keep your house (residence) in America? We ...


If you are a US citizen you HAVE to file taxes. If you live abroad there is a exemption that you may not have to pay the tax but you MUST file. I believe if you have under 90k a year in income you are exempt from paying the tax while living ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Vietnamese Birth Certificate for new baby (follow-up query) by donny_68

Sorry to bother you guys again, but I have a follow-up query. (The following names have been changed slightly, for reasons of discretion): We want our baby to be called Anna (first name) Nguyen (middle name) Smith (surname). Importantly, we want ...


Had this same issue with my son. He was born in Vietnam and is a Vietnamese and US citizen. His first and last names are English and his middle name is Vietnamese. They didn't like it at first and argued we could not do that. But we argued back that ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Marriage and Children by kevinvn

Hi, I'm getting married this year and wanted to know if it Is better to apply for the marriage license as a Vietnamese citizen instead of an expat? I have dual citizenship(US and Vietnam) and my fiance is Vietnamese. I already had the single ...


Some things to think about when choosing to get married as a Vietnamese citizen or American citizen. Are you wanting to live in the US in the future? Are you wanting to take your wife to the US? The process of marrying would be easier between 2 ... Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Renew driver's license by pnaiprincess

Hi! Does anyone know the procedure in renewing your Vietnam driver's license? Since my visa expired in May, my Vietnam license also expired. Thanks for your help...


I just looked when mine expires and it is the same time my U.S. license expires not my visa. Wonder why some expire when the visa expires. Read More

Jayhawk replied to a thread
11 years ago

Pregnancy in Ho Chi Minh City by Christine

Hi, could you please share advice and tips about pregnancy in Ho Chi Minh City? Who are the best gynecologists for pregnancy follow-ups? Which hospitals or clinics would you recommend to give birth in Ho Chi Minh City? Thanks a lot in ...


Hi All, I recommend FV hospital. My wife and I tried 3 different hospitals before deciding on FV. For me it was important to have a safe, clean, and western standard hospital. They are very professional. We had all our check-ups here and gave ... Read More