American citizen
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Registration: 08 September 2012

Social Security payments may be delayed by FindlayMacD

Speaking of SS numbers, turns out the recently released JFK files contains the birthdays and SS numbers of 400 people involved. So the SSA will now be issuing hew SS numbers for any of the 400 still living. Read More

Social Security payments may be delayed by FindlayMacD

I don't know if the OIG of the SSA was fired. But you implied he was . . . .I don't know . . . Do you? - @Enzyte Bob Don't care, don't know. Read More

Social Security payments may be delayed by FindlayMacD

************************ The link is easy to fine: Just Google: 13 Billion in improper SSA payments. (It's from the SSA office of the Inspector General) - @Enzyte Bob The guy who was fired? Read More

Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur by mugtech
Arrived at JFK at 9PM on 11/17/24 to check in for a 12:50 AM flight on Korean Air to South Korea then Manila. Had to pay $6 to use a hand truck for our three checked bags and two carryons. Only other time we had to pay for said hand ...

Woke up at 5AM and the electricity was off. Later the neighbor told us it was announced that there would be an all day shut down. So I went to the third floor back porch and read under the sunlight. Finished Spymaster, and since it ended ... Read More

Latest updates in labor regulations in the Philippines by Cheryl
Hello everyone, Labor laws and regulations are constantly evolving. Staying informed of these updates as an expat in the Philippines helps you in navigating your professional experience and expat career. We would like to invite you to share ...

Glad I am retired. Read More

Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur by mugtech
Arrived at JFK at 9PM on 11/17/24 to check in for a 12:50 AM flight on Korean Air to South Korea then Manila. Had to pay $6 to use a hand truck for our three checked bags and two carryons. Only other time we had to pay for said hand ...

LOL mugtech, I think you have too much time on your hands, perhaps I'm wrong, - @bigpearl I never have enough time to do all the things I want to do. Most days I watch two NBA games, some are better than others. I always look ... Read More

Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur by mugtech
Arrived at JFK at 9PM on 11/17/24 to check in for a 12:50 AM flight on Korean Air to South Korea then Manila. Had to pay $6 to use a hand truck for our three checked bags and two carryons. Only other time we had to pay for said hand ...

I have read the first 370 pages of a thousand page biography on Harry S Truman, FDR just died and now Harry is in charge, put it down to read some fiction. I currently using the book as a coaster for my drinks as I relax in our living ... Read More

Rodrigo Duterte arrested. by Lotus Eater
The former president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has been arrested in Manila by the ICC (International criminal court)Chickens finally coming home to roost Rod?

How would you like them to be our northern neighbors? - @Enzyte Bob Canada is fine as US Northern neighbor. How many deaths will it take until you know that too many people have died? Read More

Rodrigo Duterte arrested. by Lotus Eater
The former president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has been arrested in Manila by the ICC (International criminal court)Chickens finally coming home to roost Rod?

@bigpearl Is it just an internal matter since it is an International Court? I tend to agree with an earlier post that these international organizations are becoming way to political and failing at their missions. The UN is useless as long as any ... Read More

Balikbayan box checked baggage by jcole4455
Hello all, I’m looking for someone who has recently traveled from the U. S. to the Philippines and used a Balikbayan box as a checked bag. What size box did you use, and did you have any issues at your departure airlines? Thanks in advance. ...

We always send a couple of boxes by sea two months before we return to the Philippines. It is cheaper per pound and less restrictive, gets delivered to our door in Ilocos Sur. Still use two 50 pound suitcases for free on our flight. Read More

Duplicate Bridge in Bali by bhs321
can anyone tell me are there duplicate bridge clubs in Bali

Depending on the Cruise company and length of the journey there some excellent duplicate bridge contests on international cruises. Read More

Does anyone know where I can buy an aircraft carrier? by Lotus Eater
Indonesia’s recently elected president is confirming his military tendencies by announcing through his navy chief the search for an aircraft carrier. Strictly for ‘non-war’ military operations.President Prabowo feels that an ...

I hear that the recently decommissioned Italian carrier, Garibaldi is for sale.. - @Lotus Eater Heard Tesla is making an EV carrier for the US. Perhaps they could make a second one. Read More

Returning to Baguio and Ilocos Sur by mugtech
Arrived at JFK at 9PM on 11/17/24 to check in for a 12:50 AM flight on Korean Air to South Korea then Manila. Had to pay $6 to use a hand truck for our three checked bags and two carryons. Only other time we had to pay for said hand ...

Just about out of paperbacks. Reading Brad Thor's Spymaster written in 2016. The story concerns Russia doing all kinds of terror attacks across Europe to divide NATO and prepare Russia for the invasion of the Baltic states, as the goal ... Read More

Spousal visa processing time by wrevans02
Anyone filed a CR1 spousal visa lately to America? How long did it take to process? Online info is all over the place with estimate processing times with saying Philippines spousal visa will take longer to process. Trying to get an estimate based ...

Saw a couple two years ago, their spousal visa took 3 years. Cannot imagine current administration gonna be any faster. She had worked overseas for more than 2 years, so there was that extra paperwork, but in my case 31 years ago that only ... Read More

Social Security payments may be delayed by FindlayMacD

SSA estimates it made $13 Billion Dollars in improper payments in 2022. - @Enzyte Bob How many arrests so far? Read More