Diaa Behairy
Egyptian expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Jeddah
Speaks Arabic, English & French
Registration: 20 December 2009

Exit - re entry visa by arnlahl123
Hi i would like to ask if exit reentry visa can still be issued even if my iqama will expire while im on vacation? I will travel next month but my iqama will expire 7 days before i come back. Hoping for a response

@arnlahl123 yes they can do that, though you need to be on the safe side (for any flights delays, cancellations…etc.). Read More

Exit - re entry visa by arnlahl123
Hi i would like to ask if exit reentry visa can still be issued even if my iqama will expire while im on vacation? I will travel next month but my iqama will expire 7 days before i come back. Hoping for a response

@arnlahl123 the visa will be issued and valid only till one day prior to your Iqama expiry. Read More

QIWA Transfer referred to my current employer by assadtanolihse
Hi, I am facing an issue with my transfer through QIWA because it was referred back to my current employer and rejected because they do not want any employee get transferred but if you read QIWA protocols it will not supposedly referred to my ...

@naslin841216 Hello,on Qiwa you can’t do anything, but maybe if you need something to guarantee the new job, you can try to ask your new employer to have a paper contract signed with a starting date after your notice period. Read More

Dataflow for ex-ofw by oohsabreen
Hi! I posted because I am also one of the anxious ones about how to do the dataflow. I worked in Saudi for 6 years. My last working employment was in March 2020 and the same month and year as the expiration of my saudi council license. So fast ...

@oohsabreen Hello,Here are the links to the dataflow and prometric exam:https://www.dataflowgroup.com/https://www.prometric.com/All the best of luck Read More

Qiwa Transfer after iqama expire by fhdenric
Hi currently My iqama is expired and my company is in average green and also my current company is not having Qiwa , If i accept the new contract from other company in my qiwa is it possible to take immediate transfer with out current company ...

@azizsiddiquisamHello brother.. Just want to enlighten about this, When my iqama will expire and wait after 3 days can my new employer renew it and transfer me without need of approval from my previous company? I ask this because the status of my ... Read More

Travel Dammam to Dubai by tampaxon
Hi everyone, we will be coming to KSA likely in August or Sept. Our daughter may be in a Dubai boarding school.I have a few questions if you canadvise pleaseHow easy is it to fly Dammam to Dubai on a Thurs and then return on Sat night?Any ...

@tampaxon Hello, I don’t think Wizz Air can have direct flights from Dammam to Dubai. Though, there are frequent flights on Flydubai, flynas (those would be the cheapest, usually flydubai) and then there Saudia and emirates ( much more ... Read More

Looking for Furnished accommodation in Dammam or Khobar
Only interested in furnished 1 Bedroom units in a compound or apartments complex. Read More

Family visit visa by Uwes
I'm an Indian working in Saudi Arabia. Want to know about family visit visa fee. Is it really reduced?

@rinaadams The 30 days single-entry family visit visa can be renewed up to 5 times (that means a total of 180 days). However the multiple-entry visa can be issued only for 90 days with maximum 4 entries and it is (non renewable). Read More

Family visit visa by Uwes
I'm an Indian working in Saudi Arabia. Want to know about family visit visa fee. Is it really reduced?

Guys, I see some confusion here about the terminology of the family visa, so to make it clear -> Residents can issue 2 types of visas for their family members1) Permanent family visa:- That is the visa that ends with Iqama for the family which ... Read More

expat marriage by zaididriskhan
hi,can an iqama holder man marry with a woman on visit to saudi arabia?

@zaididriskhan No you can’t. Any official marriage both partners have to have valid Iqama. Read More

Transfer to new company by Safwan mohd
I was working In saudi as a free visa holder and then I joined this company in 2020 oct when I signed for agreement where I will have to go in exit once I leave this job. Now I got a better opportunity in some other company and want to leave from ...

@Safwan mohd your only smooth way out is either end of contract and accepting new contract on Qiwa, or expiration of your Iqama and transfer to another company on the system. if you can 200% guarantee smooth resignation and approval of transfer with ... Read More

Qiwa transfer but my current employer did not want to release me. by xEnNxYx
My contract is already finish, and my iqama were going to expire soon. i ask for them to release me so i can find new job. but they did not want to. i checked my qiwa, and i found out there is new contract there, but i never signed any contract ...

@xEnNxYx don’t sign the contract on Qiwa, otherwise this means that you renew the contract. If your iqama is going to expire in 3 days that’s good for you. This means once it expires, you can directly transfer to other company without ... Read More

Smart phones in KSA by Pitch306
I would like to buy a smart phone phone in Jeddah. How does it work here? Do I buy a phone and plan together? Or do I buy just the phone? (I see them being sold in many places) If so, how do I make payment etc? Is Zain the best for smart phones ...

Companies link mobile phones to a post paid monthly bill, and sometimes they would not offer this if you are new for subscription. You need to ask in the mobile company. For me, like STC as coverage. You can still buy the phones cash or on ... Read More

Prayer time by Pitch306
I know the prayer times are advertised in the paper daily, but my question is: is their duration always approximate? I know they start with the call to prayer from the mosque ( I can hear it outside from my apartment ), but do they also end with a ...

Prayer times changes, download any free prayer app to keep yourself updated. You can give yourself an average of half an hour after prayer times for shops to open. Read More

Looking for Information on compounds in Jeddah and really worried!! by Michael V
Hi all, I hope you might be able to help me, I am looking at a move to Jeddah in late January. I am getting really worried since I started looking at the issue of accommodation. Ideally a 1 bedroom apartment in a compound would be my ideal ...

Hi Michael - here you go a list; jeddah-blog.com/2013/02/13/jeddah-compounds-housing/ Good luck Read More