

New member

British Virgin Islander expat in Saudi Arabia


5 posts

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British Virgin Islander

Registration: 14 December 2023


Mwilliamson2217 replied to a thread
11 months ago

Illegal haroob by Ydar6030

Hello,I need help pl,my employer puts haroob on my expired iqama and I am not able to transfer my sponsorship to another company. I tried 3 companies and they tried to transfer me but I am not getting request in my qiwa.their system is showing that ...


@Ydar6030 Have you tried going to company and asking them to cancel showing you have job offer.Did they give you notice before posting. Read More

Mwilliamson2217 replied to a thread
last year

Can I exit to Bahrain then come back in saudi? by irismones19

Hello My contract will end this January 25. I want to ask if I can exit via Bahrain causeway then come back with visa from my employer. Is that possible? Thank you


Do you mean same visa or new one Normally new one or even new business ess visa you have to go back home to get.before you could get business visas from any country but when I was looking at one they said needs to be issued from home country Read More

Mwilliamson2217 replied to a thread
last year

Health issue in my x-ray by seanlyndhonharpst

Good day, I undergo medical for my iqama then in my x-ray they found out that i have a tb scar. And they proceed me to take the sputom test(3x) and the skin test, all the result is negative. Can they still sent me to my country?


The multi reentry visa is good but has restrictions s like trying to get bank account.Not sure how things changed but at one time companies had lots of people fail medical over scar tissue.that is for initial medical for work visa.Some companies did ... Read More

Mwilliamson2217 replied to a thread
last year

Lift ban urgently by qudrathbuddyqs

Dear I did not paid the amount on time as I was on vacation after that continuously I am paying but I need to travel urgently tomorrow to india I have half amount with me to pay what I can do it to lift up ban pls urgently advise


@qudrathbuddyq banks in saudi difficult but I believe will take time to clear even if paid Read More

Mwilliamson2217 replied to a thread
last year
John Turkish

SABB credit card (master & visa) been jacked! by John Turkish

Hi All, My SABB credit card (master & visa) had been jacked by some one when I was already leaved KSA (final exit). I had not closed my credit card, but also not used it anymore. Before I leave KSA, I already paid all the dues. Suddenly, after ...


@salauddin25 very difficult as they charged me twice for purchase couldn't get ti to solved.bad bank. Read More