
Mail Forwarding Service from USA

Last activity 06 October 2022 by Enzyte Bob

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I am sure this Mail Forwarding Service from USA subject has been hit on many times but can't find a good answer.. so my question is who out there in Expat land has a Mail Forwarding Service from USA that is affordable and reliable service? There are just so many of them and a bunch of them that outsource to other place, and I don't want that.  Thank you in advance, Tony in Cebu PH....

Sorry had to edit.... also a service that will handle mail like credit card stuff, social security letter, etc.


While I don't know if you intend to live permanently in PH. All I did was contact all creditors and debtors, government departments and banks to email me instead of a paper trail and worked perfectly aside from ASIC that send me paperwork annually, yes a government department that can't cross the tee's and even more trouble to dot the I's.

In 3 years living here? All perfect aside from ASIC that annually send me a bill (to my sister) even though my accountant deregistered my companies 2 years ago.

Paper trails are a thing of the past. Its or can be all digital and save the forests.

If I want to see the wallmart US. or Bunnings AU specials? that's why god made google.

Back to the OP yes there are dozens of submissions on this topic on 20 different expat sites but my question is simple. Do you need? If you get your house in order before you travel?

I didn't but we all have different needs.


Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob


Although I agree mostly bigpearl, another thing about having a mail forwarder-remailer, you will have a stateside address. You can have statements emailed to you, but you can't have charge cards or stateside purchases emailed to you.

Sometimes my banks send out snail mail promotion also I've received snail mail from the IRS (Treasury Check) & SS statement.

For affordable and reliable, it's hard to have both 100% of the time.  I've used FedEx over four years, I pay through the nose, but not that often for several day service and with tracking and to my front door.


Understand that Bob but if you put your house in order is there any need for a mail forwarder? Electronic/digital has worked perfectly fine for many years for me aside from the former claim from me, ASIC who seem to be a power and inept big time unto themselves and always looking for dollars for the coffers.

As for bank statements or transactions with suppliers, all mine are digital and available online, visa, amex and personal and business accounts that if required can be printed for the previous 7 years of transactions for free.

Mail forwarders simply advise what mail you have to your nominated address and then you pay for them to open and fwd what you want, better electronic. Everything to your email address.

OMO and working perfectly for me. I have read info on many expat sites over the years and simply wonder what for?

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob
Understand that Bob but if you put your house in order is there any need for a mail forwarder? Electronic/digital has worked perfectly fine for many years for me aside from the former claim from me, ASIC who seem to be a power and inept big time unto themselves and always looking for dollars for the coffers.
As for bank statements or transactions with suppliers, all mine are digital and available online, visa, amex and personal and business accounts that if required can be printed for the previous 7 years of transactions for free.

Mail forwarders simply advise what mail you have to your nominated address and then you pay for them to open and fwd what you want, better electronic. Everything to your email address.

OMO and working perfectly for me. I have read info on many expat sites over the years and simply wonder what for?

Cheers, Steve.

Steve, I believe my house is in order on all the points you brought up.

I just was notified by Chase Bank to be on the lookout for my new credit card. From Chase Email: Your chase card isn't set to expire until next year But we'll be sending a new one in a few weeks, your expiration date & security code will change.

So in my case I do need a mail forwarder.

In your response you just reiterated the same position as in your original post. I don't think you really didn't address the points I disagreed with you, including purchases handled by my mail forwarder and having a stateside address for many reasons. For example: Renewal of drivers license, you need an address for the license and a place to mail it. Someday I look forward to returning to the states, even for a visit, it would be easier renting a car with my US licensed rather than my Philippine license, without a whole lot of explaining.

It's not very often I need mail or purchases mailed to me. So I align my mail with purchases when I have it FedEx'd to me.

There are others who uses US Global Mail and do have their house in order.


Read my lips Bob, OMO.

Cheers Steve.

Enzyte Bob

bigpearl. . . .As per OMO, there are 59 meanings, so you have to enlighten me.

I don't care to read your lips, who knows where they were?


The reason why I bowed out of this forum some time ago Bob were fools and losers and nothing has changed.


Cheers, Steve.


OMG... looks like I opened up a can of worms here.  Why tit-tat back and forth with the remarks...   bigpearl-   we are not fools nor are we losers... just common folk asking a simple question..  though I had my house in order, if you will-  US government does 95% of their correspondence via mail.  That is why it's important to have a mail forwarding system in place.  You get your SS $ suspended for several months, you are in a world of shit!... then there is no need to bow out of these forums (as you put) b/c you won't be able to pay your internet bill let alone others.


Also...the SS $ suspended several months dilemma has happened to other expats... they got caught with their pants down and suffered from that mistake.  That is not called a fool.. ignorant- yes.  That is why questions are asked.


@Enzyte Bob Thanks Spence...  I check Global.. price was a little up there but they seem like a good company....   any complaints from them?     T

Enzyte Bob

I find their service adequate . . .Initially if I recall there was a lot of paperwork.

I just checked their website again. . . .They now offer many locations around the states. If I had known this four years ago I would have chosen Las Vegas instead of Houston.

Choosing a state where you resided in would have some benefits, for example some states are sending out rebate checks (similar to stimulus). If they do that in Texas there is no known path for me receiving a check. If I had an address in Las Vegas, my last US residence and if they were to send out checks, I might receive one. Also renewal of my drivers license, per example how do I renew my Nevada license with my address in Texas.

As far as price, you have to go with the flow, a positive is that they are so large, they get about 50% discount from companies like FedEx. Usually forwarding of letters is around $50, quick delivery around 3 to 5 days.

The discount helps if you make purchases compared to FedEx's normal price. They give you options on what carrier you would like and the estimated price.

I don't have my mail forwarded often, I let it accumulate. If you I make purchases from different websites, US Global Mail will consolidate the purchases. Also they send you a .jpd of the outside of all envelopes received. If you have any questions about mail received, they will open & scan the contents. (a fee per page)


Sorry guys, appears my post/s were taken out of context, ruffled a few feathers. All I was saying is that I don't need a mail forwarder as 99.9% of transactions in Australia can be digital if asked/normal dealings are electronic. All my purchases from Australia go in a Balakbayan box and never a problem. Only for me the .1% of mail is as stated by members here, drivers license (Australia every 5 years) and my last renewal 2 years ago was shipped in a Balakbayan box along with a new Amex and debit card, also Bens new Aussie drivers license accomplished online. Plastic cards in the same box as goodies ordered. Everything is electronic including shifting funds.

OMO but it seems Australia is more digital/electronic than some other countries. Especially this one.

As said OMO.

Cheers, Steve.


Topic is mail forwarding from the USA.  Events in the penal colony are irrelevant and immaterial (to quote Perry Mason). 


Off topic but Australia hasn't been a penal colony since 1868, some 154 years.

I thought this was an open forum and I only reiterate my experience from a penal colony (apparently) to perhaps help other members with my situation and experience living in the Philippines as an alien but still doing business in my home country. Digital aside from plastic cards every 4 or 5 years.

Works for me.

Cheers, Steve.


@bigpearl No need for a history lesson for a simple question dude!  but thank you for your input.

Enzyte Bob

I thought this topic was dead & bigpearl brought it back to life.

bigpearl, you said you don't use a forwarder.

(1) On post #13 you said all your purchases go in a Balakbayan Box.

(2) Including your new Amex, Debit Card, Drivers License and Purchases.

(3) Your Purchases & Cards had to be sent to someone or somewhere in Australia.

(4) This someone somewhere packaged and "Forwarded" your cards & purchases.

(5) They had to obtain a Balakbayan box.

(6) They packed the contents and dropped off or had the shipper pickup the Box.

(7) Someone had to pay the shipper.

(8) How long does delivery take of a Balakbayan Box from Australia to you in the Philippines?

(9) All in all probably Four to Six weeks or maybe longer.

(10) Did you find it an inconvenience not being able to use your new cards because they needed to be activated?

(11) What does a Balakbayan Box cost from Australia to You in the Philippines? Maybe $115 Australian?

(12) OMO


Good points Bob to a guy from a penal colony. To answer your questions.

1/ Yes as required from my apparent a penal colony, most stuff local and plan ahead for the rest.

2/ Was answered earlier.

3/ Yes my sis.

4/ Was answered above.

5/ No I have an agent, Filipino business in Australia that handles my orders/deliveries to him and he packs and forwards in a Balakbayan box. Last time,,,,,,, 2 years ago my sis sent him my drivers license and 3 bank cards.

6/7 Yes and I pay my agent electronically.

8/ 6 to 8 weeks.

9/ answered above.

10/ lol, nope I do that online,,,,,,, you know electronic.

11/ AU $130.00 or US $ 88.00. In the meantime I forward plan and organize what I purchase from Australia 3 or 4 months ahead as most things I can buy online and have delivered in 2 to 4 days here in PH. Electronic.

12/ Yep OMO and never forget, opinions are like noses, we can all pick them.

As said I don't need a mail forwarder for my situation as 99% of my deliveries are shipping and relevant plastic cards come in the Balakbayan box every 4 or 5 years. The balance is electronic but as we all know, each to their own and I certainly don't need nor use oversized caps nor bold type.


Cheers, Steve.

@bigpearl No need for a history lesson for a simple question dude! but thank you for your input.

There was no question tpiro only a statement from you condemning my input as a member of a penal colony? Go figure.


Cheers, Steve.


My bad tpiro, miss read, retaliation was aimed at another, soz.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob
There was no question tpiro only a statement from you condemning my input as a member of a penal colony? Go figure.


Cheers, Steve.

Is that penal colony located in Sweden?


Appears to be here in the Philippines for this lone criminal Bob.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

bigpearl replied . . .

I have an agent, Filipino business in Australia that handles my orders/deliveries to him and he packs and forwards in a Balakbayan box.

So you do have a Forwarder.


lol, nope I do that online,,,,,,, you know electronic.

How do you validate those cards online without new CVV?


I certainly don't need nor use oversized caps nor bold type.




Bold caps again, why do you do or need that? Your messages are quite legible in normal typeface.

Are you yelling at me?

No I don't have a forwarder as you call that by US standards, I have a contractor that handles Balakbayan boxes for me every 2 or 3 years. You are being anal and I expect nothing less from you Spence or is it suspense?

I simply tell my experience living here as a colonial prisoner but some want to make a big deal from my submissions because my life is simple here.

Interestingly though both my grandfathers came from the US, Chicago and New York, grandmothers from England and Ireland, 3rd generation Prisoner with a better digital/electronic means of conducting business than some other countries. Perhaps that's the problem?

Bold type face again? No need, I can read your frustration.


Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

bigpearl said. . . . . . No I don't have a forwarder as you call that by US standards, I have a contractor that handles Balakbayan boxes for me every 2 or 3 years. Bold type face again? No need, I can read your frustration.


OK, I see your logic so I'm using a contractor  (US Global Mail)  by Ozzie standards?

On your post #8 you said: The reason why I bowed out of this forum some time ago were for fools and losers and nothing has changed.

LT. Columbo: One more question sir, if I may ask.

So why did you come back?


Lol, I thought you might be gone.

Point is that criminals from a penal colony (apparently) are condemned by some and not allowed to contribute an opinion in an apparent open forum to offer their experiences that may well help others, It's not just US citizens residing in PH; It's not all about you and though the OP's submission was for US mail forwarding services is in my opinion relevant to share experiences from all countries and members living in PH.

US Global mail is a forwarder and a plebian from a penal colony simply uses a contractor every 2 or 3 years and I have no monthly fees.

OMO. Note I don't need to use a bold upper case friendly typeface.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob
Lol, I thought you might be gone.
Point is that criminals from a penal colony (apparently) are condemned by some and not allowed to contribute an opinion in an apparent open forum to offer their experiences that may well help others, It's not just US citizens residing in PH; It's not all about you and though the OP's submission was for US mail forwarding services is in my opinion relevant to share experiences from all countries and members living in PH.
US Global mail is a forwarder and a plebian from a penal colony simply uses a contractor every 2 or 3 years and I have no monthly fees.

OMO. Note I don't need to use a bold upper case friendly typeface.

Cheers, Steve.

Cheers to you Steve,

USGlobal Mail has 80,000 customers, so it appears there must be a need for a mail forwarder. Actually anyone, thing or business who delivers anything is a forwarder. Calling a forwarder a contractor is incorrect, Look up forwarder in any dictionary, then look up contractor.

I looked up plebian in the dictionary, no such word. I think you must have had a typo for Plebeian. I do think you are the opposite (antonym) of Plebeian.

I'm finish with this ridiculous Food Fight.


Enzyte Bob


And the internet/digital age has billions of customers. As said works for me.

As for plebian, yes my typo but if you use the internet plebeian would come up. Yes you are correct with this food fight that you keep feeding because you must have the last say, I know how you operate Bob. Keep running the site with your petulance and cynicism.


Cheers, Steve.


BTW I don't pay my contractor monthly, only as required. Your mail forwarder requires a monthly fee. Nit picking as usual. Used to it.

Cheers, Steve.


@bigpearl The UPS store in usa  mailbox real address?


Sweet if you need and nothing wrong with a mail forwarder if you need one.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

HillbillyPhilippines asked . . . . The UPS store in usa mailbox real address?


Yes but there are caveats, I'll use myself as an example.

In 2005 I moved from Pittsburgh PA to Las Vegas. I had no permanent address in Vegas. Looking over my options in advance I decided to stay at the Budget Suites until I found an apartment and bought furniture .

Budget Suites are furnished with all utilities, including landline and rented by the week or month.

I found online the UPS store and a storage facility closest to Budget Suites. I rented a box at the UPS store to use at my address. The night before leaving I FedEx'd (ground service) three large boxes with essentials, that wouldn't fit in my car. With the UPS store permission I had the boxes shipped to them.

The boxes arrived in two days, I arrived in four days. I went directly to the UPS store and picked up the boxes and drove them to my rental storage unit. Prior to moving to Las Vegas I went to the post office and filled out a change of address card for my mail. The change of address I used was the UPS store, but instead of using (example) Box #1234, I used Apt. 1234.

I also had an online business for 20 years which I sold when moving to the Philippines. For that business mail I used Suite 1234.

Once I secured an apartment and had an actual address I discontinued the UPS mailbox rental after several months. Online I updated my address for essential financial services and others.

The caveat, UPS stores are not really mail forwarders, they are shippers, mail receivers, with multi purpose support, selling office supplies, stamps, notary services, fax and printing. Much like Kinko's or other such similar businesses.

They are franchised so quality of service and prices may vary depending on the owner. You can walk in and have them package and shipment for you.

Mind you, this is a business for profit. Shipping cost are more expensive than do-it-yourself. Having them forward mail to the Philippines is a poor idea.

The best idea is to make arrangement for an address with an international forwarder or a family member. With my forwarder I use Apt. #### instead of Box number. From time to time you may get mail that cannot be handled by email, like Christmas cards, birthday cards from Grand Kids, I even received a late wedding gift (by years).

I don't mind the low monthly service charge of the mail forwarder and shipper, it's a cheap rental for a permanent stateside address. Using a family members address could cause other problems.

My wife's niece from the Philippines stayed with us for a year. Necessary things were set up, ID from the DMV, checking account and a secured credit card. ($300 deposit). Now for the problem, our postal route had various carriers. We lived in an apartment that had a mail room. With some carriers not familiar with her staying with us, her mail was returned back to the sender. (Her DMV ID Twice)

The post office uses this procedure to prevent fraud by personal mail delivered to the wrong party, example pre-approval credit card offers.

Using a family members address opens up other problems.


@tpiro - I do not know what you would consider inexpensive, but US Global Mail ( has been extremely reliable for us for more than 2-1/2 years. As others have noted, they give you an address in Houston, and they provide a photo of the envelope of any mail you receive. The annual fee is $198 and they charge a few bucks to open and scan mail so you don't need to have it forwarded. Or you can just have them discard it if you don't need to see what's inside. If you do want something sent to the PH they offer a range of service options, and they also offer to combine mail into a single shipment. They will also 'return to sender' if you want.

After a couple of years, the amount of our mail has been reduced to a trickle, but as noted by others above, we need to maintain this service to receive new credit cards and to have a US-based address for those accounts.



I use US Global Mail. I have the + Plan. You have to pay attention to any mail accumulation as you will be charged after a time period depending on your plan. I usually pick the service to have my mail shipped to me depending on what is in the mail. Credit card or something like that I use Fedex. I've used USPS, Aramex and another one that they don't use anymore. Aramex is the only one I had a problem with. The package just disappeared. Opening trouble tickets with Aramex and USGM resulted in nothing except an automated message. The package finally just showed up out of the blue 3 months later.You only get the shipping discount with the + account. And I bet you can guess who is the worst offender for sending snail mail....yup, US Social Security Admin....they are stuck in the 20th century.


I have used Travelling Mailbox for years. They are less expensive than Global Mail (I think), send you an envelope scan, and you get 30 page scans per month included. If there are items I want to get, I have them sent to my shipping service (, a Filipino company that collects items and ships them by sea or by air at your direction).

Traveling Mailbox will deposit checks I receive and I think they will mail letters I email them. Lots of services. and they have locations in numerous cities throughout the US.

I still don't know what OMO is, I skipped past most of what I saw as useless bantering between a couple of vets on this site. Can someone please enlighten me (and others)?

Lotus Eater


We think its a washing powder

I still don't know what OMO is, can someone please enlighten me? -@bizwizard


only my opinion .. only my opinion



As we are entitled to P1, same as being single or your choice of washing detergent and then the mind goggles.

Cheers, Steve.


I am from the US and I also use Traveling Mailbox. I set it up before leaving the states and in the last 1.5 years it has been very convenient when needed.

I don't know the ins and outs of other countries but having a US address for all our banks, retirement accounts, credit cards, drivers license etc... makes my life easier for about 200 bucks per year.

Although this is OMO (only my opinion) and

YMMV (your mileage may vary).



Big Mad Wolf

Why can't SS deposit the money directly to a bank account instead of a physical check?   Why can't other correspondence be by email instead of snail mail?

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