Moving to Lebanon from Sydney, Australia
Last activity 17 October 2023 by petra7598
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Hi guys, I came across and I was wondering if I could trouble you and ask a few questions about living in Lebanon.
I currently live in Australia NSW and I have been seriously considering moving to Lebanon for some time now. I have 3 school aged children that I intend to move to school there as well.
My questions relate to a number of things like what the transition for kids schooling would be like … eg
- are there all English schools that would be suitable my kids ages are 15, 12 & 3
- have you or anyone you know moved their kids from school in Sydney or the like to an all English Lebanese school ?
- cost per annum per kid
- cost of living expenses in lebanon compared to Sydney as a monthly figure
- Initially I will not be working in lebanon as I have a business in Sydney also rental income as well. I’m not to concerned about working in lebanon.
so basically I’m trying to get an idea of what life in lebanon would be like compared to Sydney. I understand that the economic situation in Lebanon is dismal at best, I also understand that the power is a struggle. However if I could overcome this situation by providing my own power with a private generator also solar. Taking this into consideration and also factoring all of these added costs including schools, power, water car, phones, internet, gym memberships, private health insurance, I'm not adding rent as I would most likely buy an apartment as we go
to Lebanon annually anyway.
Any detailed information or opinions, suggestions or even recommendations as to weather or not it’s a good move would be greatly appreciated
Hello Aloi,
Welcome on board !
I hope members will shed the light on your queries. May i ask if you have ever been to Lebanon to have a feel of what life is there ?
Hi Aloi,
It's very easy to move to Lebanon.
Schools in English are the norm. Annual fees depend on the school, 1000 - 3000 per kid .
Car insurance per year 600 USD
Medical insurance, contact the companies for an estimate.
Cellular, 10 to 30 USD per person
Water 12 USD for 2.000 Liter if you have to buy it
Electricity 50 cents per Kwh from generators, 10 cents from government
gym 30- 50 USD
I am sure, Lebanon is the most beautiful country for someone, who has financial stability.
Let me know if you need more help.