Family reunification application in process for pregnant wife

Hi Friends,

My wife's family reunifaction application was submitted one month ago, and she is pregnant (Almost 3rd months).

In this case what to do? Do we have to inform the embassy? Can she flight on 7 or 8 pregrancy months ? Can the baby trvel on her visa ?

Anyone had similar sitation?


I guess her visa file will be processed faster because medical report showed that she is pregnant. For travel, i think its better to ask your doctor how much before delivery time, she can travel. No visa required for a baby not born yet

@tabunama hi.. i might have a similar situation here..  Based on my research, it seems that after 28 weeks, your wife will need to provide a certificate from Doctor (in her home country) that she is "fine", and her pregnancy is considered to be "normal".. and an information regarding the expected delivery date should be written as well in the certificate. . However, this certificate is only required by the airlines before check in I believe.. (not required by Embassy, etc)..  However, after 36 weeks (or 32 weeks if its twins), its prohibited for her to fly... its  any update on your side?