Unit - Purchase Lease

Hi Everyone

great to meet you All (... granted virtually)

thank you so much for all your info to date ...things do change in Bali / Indonesia

it is now the latter part of 2022 and I am looking at "leasing" a Hotel Unit for 30 years with a 15yr option.

the plan is to travel between here and Bali and eventually retire there.

The room will be let out as a hotel room when I gain revenue

I would like someone to look at the lease arrangements and tell me am I being done-over ( is a polite way of saying it )

I really appreciate your help Everyone



It might well be possible to find a hotel willing to lease out a room on a long term basis, but would they be happy at you sub-letting?

@Rob Groot Be careful in your selection ,hotels dont last long in bali , bankruptcies are common here  , get a good lawyer here before you pay over 1 rupiah .


Thank you kindly for the advice (...and warning)




thanks Fred for the advice

