Medication storage in the humidity and heat of Vietnam

Hi everyone,

I searched to see if there was a discussion of this, but couldn't find one, so if there is, please let me know so that I am not repeating things.  My wife, who is Vietnamese, and I live in Danang.  I take a statin for cholesterol, and tend to get some moderately intense muscle pain, which is a typical side-effect. I take CO-Q10, and that works very well for the side-effects. I bring the medications from the U.S., since my insurance will cover it there, and I trust the brands. However, over the past few months I have noticed my muscle aches returning, and I am pretty sure it is a side-effect of the statin, it is very similar to that. I believe what is happening is that the effectiveness of the CO-Q10 is being diminished by the heat and humidity in which we live. I have looked online (and on Amazon) for solutions as to how to store medication when it is hot and humid. All I have been able to find is, don't do that, which is not very helpful in this circumstance.

I wanted to see if anyone had any experience or ideas with medication storage here in Vietnam, such as buying an electric wine cooler (to have a temperature of around 60 degrees) in which you put dehumidifier blocks to reduce the humidity inside the cooler, or something like that.


Hi everyone,
I searched to see if there was a discussion of this, but couldn't find one, so if there is, please let me know so that I am not repeating things. My wife, who is Vietnamese, and I live in Danang. I take a statin for cholesterol, and tend to get some moderately intense muscle pain, which is a typical side-effect. I take CO-Q10, and that works very well for the side-effects. I bring the medications from the U.S., since my insurance will cover it there, and I trust the brands. However, over the past few months I have noticed my muscle aches returning, and I am pretty sure it is a side-effect of the statin, it is very similar to that. I believe what is happening is that the effectiveness of the CO-Q10 is being diminished by the heat and humidity in which we live. I have looked online (and on Amazon) for solutions as to how to store medication when it is hot and humid. All I have been able to find is, don't do that, which is not very helpful in this circumstance.

I wanted to see if anyone had any experience or ideas with medication storage here in Vietnam, such as buying an electric wine cooler (to have a temperature of around 60 degrees) in which you put dehumidifier blocks to reduce the humidity inside the cooler, or something like that.


In four years in and out of and in Vietnam using similar meds and supplements, I've never had this problem.

However, I use the dehumidifier mode on my A/C unit most of the time (when it's not set for the cooling mode).

The wine cooler sounds like a good option, especially if medication storage is a secondary use.


I just bought a refrigerator and I have all the medicines stored there perfectly!

@derrickolleye Thanks! Do you set it to any particular temperature, or just run it at the standard food temperature?  Thanks again.

My thought is a little different. I'm pretty sure you're not the only one in VN that take CoQ10 and others don't keep theirs in the fridge. The local pharmacies don't refrigerate theirs. There is some evidence ( based on a small study) that suggests low vitamin D also can predispose you to statin induced myalgia.

@CHN90 Thanks.