Request for advice regarding short-term residency permit in Ankara


I want to move to Ankara starting with February, in order to live with my girlfriend. She is a Turkish citizen, I am not (I'm Romanian).

While researching online ways to get a visa and a residency permit, I found out that the easiest ways for me to achieve this would be:

- join an Turkish language course in Ankara (I have messages some, I'm waiting for their replies),

- try to apply for a short term tourism residence permit + ask my girlfriend to write an invitation letter for me;

Do you have any other suggestions for me on how I can achieve my goal? I would like to stay in Turkey for at least 6 months continuously.


Hello catalinul,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

Have you been to Turkey before or is this your first visit?

It's great that you are willing to learn your girlfriend's local language (the nice things we do for love1f60d.svg), it will make it easier for you to communicate with her family. Also, finding a job may not be so difficult.

Are you planning to find a job there at some point?

I invite you to read the guide Living in Turkey for expats. You will certainly find some useful tips and information there. 1f609.svg

Best of luck,

Cheryl team