Ikamet extension

We are here for almost 2 years ans we are due to our extention, we work with several companies, so please refrain from promotions.

We own our property so in principal this should be fine.

Having said that the various parties have different (very different) views, interesting to say at the least.

-Very upsetting is the requirement of a recent marriage certifcate with appostille (we have to go the the ambassy in Ankara). First according to the Dutch government website is not needed (perhaps for other countries). Anyhow if we proceed (I already ordered and a delegate can deal within one day, not 4 or 6 months through Ankara (Brother, Sister, Friend, it does not really matter)

-Regular income (I do not understand, but I will comply (hopefully retro-actively). You have to prove a regular flow from abroad, independent if you have (more than enough assets in Turkey). Lets see how it works, but to me it is strange transferring me to me from a foreign account ? (I am 61 and semi-retired (ie I have no income (just liviing from savings))) I intend to transfer to me EUR 700 pm, no problem, but I am still confused why this is a requirment if one has enough assets.

-Evledet and other innovative apps, I do not think they are needed

-Bank statements over the last 3 months are fine and easy, but the balance should be fine, still the daily spending might give a good indication, just a shame a download from website is not sufficient. (Banks however are very used to these type of requests (I will ask my wife with my passport and bank card))

-TAPU, some say the value in TAPU should be at least USD 75 K , when we bought (for much, much more, the TAPU value was extremely low), some say we should go and adjust (expensive, but so be it)

-We paid our taxes, but is there a chance to be changed retro-actively (a bit linked to prior topic)

Just a few (but many more available) to start off

@cdw057Of course you could me considered to be drunk (and perhaps I am), but honest

Sorry just replying to myself, but no members seem to be worried about Ikamet, for me (and my wife) the main worry. In any case some of the members should be impacted and have some worries (in my view).

I do not understand why members do not worry about extention of Ikamet. (For us, yes we have some assets, but to take a penthouse as a holiday place (??) quite difficult if we are not allowed to live fulltime.

We can leave, but it would be a shame. We live here and we feel at home.