Which Colombian city is best to find GF?
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Hi i am new to this forum I am looking for a Colombian Girlfriend which would be the best city to search, Is there also a Hookup culture there? Some people say there is others say there is not
If you're looking for easy women there's plenty of prepagos even on dating sites and apps some of them are working with criminals to drug you then rob you and worst case scnario end up dead in an alley ir even or own hotel riom there has been alot of foreiners victms last year so be very careful.
Nicks posted that he was looking for a
Colombian girlfriend.
HutchX responded that there are
plentiful 'prepagos', which are prostitutes.
As in many countries, women's ASD (anti-slut-ahaming
defenses) impact their resistance to sleeping with
foreign men, with the youngest women, the under-30s,
typically least worried about being seen with a foreigner.
Some women with daddy-issues will be
more or less inclined when presented with a
foreign-man opportunity, depending on
past experiences and the woman's objectives.
Common sense tells you that the biggest and most
modern metros such as Bogota
and Medellin have more available singles
than, say, little Nalgas del Cerdo, Putumayo.
The distinction by reputation as the top city for
foreign men looking to hook up is Medellin, with
the top hook-up ap being Colombia's Tinder.
Tread carefully, and don't accept food and drinks
from strangers along the way.
Many coaches who follow the singles scene also
advise against inviting new 'friends' to their
hotel rooms.
to hook up
@nicks5353 medellin, bogota, and cartagena dont waste your time anywhere else. Also, what they said. DOnt accept drinks u didnt make or open and watch it like a hawk, and be aware of your surroundings. but again cartagena, medellin and bogota
To the OP, brother listen please, stay a bachelor, my gawd I once was looking like you but now after my last serious relationship with my ex-paisa ended 6 years ago I am like "what was I thinking", stay single and free.
There is nothing, I mean nothing, that compares to being a single bachelor living in Medellin and having the freedom to travel almost non-stop to other cities, pueblos and the coast.
In 32 years since my initial visit and 4 month stay in Bogota in 1990 I have been everywhere in Colombia, everywhere.
Good luck and just keeping it real here.
Which prompts us to mention an
Expat.com thread called The Bachelors.
Initiated in 2022, it is located within the
complex of threads collectively known as
Expat Cafe.
Google... expat.com expat cafe
@South American Voyager great post.
If i get single again I will do the same.
A soft hearted compassionate Mr. Nice guy attitude gets you no where fast.
Fight your feelings of empathy and compasión.They wll lead you astray, more than your little head will.
@nicks5353 I would base my tour on places that I actually wanted to visit rather than where to hook up. Unless you are basically going as a sex tourist. I have been visiting and staying in Colombia since the late seventies and have a Paisa wife. Prior to that I generally made my encounters by seeking out a "tour guide" or travelling companion. I would ask where I was staying; which was a lot of Couch surfing in the early days. Or at the bakery or restaurant or dentists office or doctors. Generally stayed away from bars as place to find a date/companion. I had a lot of quality trips and good company like this. I would always request an unmarried female without a boyfriend and explain that I did not want any jealous men after me for messing with "their woman". I never had an issue.
I was recently approached in one of the most remote locations that you can find in Colombia. One the first night of my trek to Cuidad Perdida I was awakened in the wee hours of the morning by a hard body female in my cot. I soon realized that it was NOT my wife and sent her on her way explaining that my wife was in the bunk above and my daughter in the bunk at my feet! I was pitch black dark and I never completely was sure who it was.
On the same trip I was hanging out at a "Sports Bar" in Itagui while my wife was looking for some commercial sewing machines and supplies. The server was very friendly and made it clear that she was available. I found a slip of paper in my pocket later with her name and number.
If you can't find a companion to spend quality time in Colombia you aren't trying.
Like others allude to the very best way to find a real relationship is not necessarily "which city is the best to find a gf" rather just don't be looking but have a good attitude/mindset and allow the universe to provide the opportunities, it is best when it happens organically and naturally, don't force things to happen......just go with the flow.
Don't mean to brag but living in Medellin (on the north end of the valley) I drive into Medellin often and use the metro and walk and bike in the city often, many times each week, do shopping in the supermarket, etc....and my opportunities to meet "real available women" is only limited by my desire to approach and talk to them.
I have no problem meeting a few women EVERYDAY, real women, introducing myself to them and talking for a bit to see the vibe between us and getting a their whatsapp if their is a mutual attraction, again this is all organic, the best way.
When I go to the track and field in my pueblo to exercise and play basketball I have met some really nice, very attractive, athletic women and best of all we share the same commonality of a love for the outdoors, hiking, playing team sports, etc....so this is another great way to meet real women.
The people in my apartment building have asked me how such a tall, good looking, respectful man remains single, little do they know that "although I am no prude" I keep my personal life/my bachelor life separate, I seldom will invite any woman to my apartment, again I am a bachelor and I cherish my drama free life, end of story.
Just my real life experience.
@Lpdiver So I was thinking the same thing about seeking a guide, but haven't been able to figure out where to look for one. My initial few inquiries ended up being answered by professional tour guide businesses, too expensive and not what I'm looking for at all because, whether or not I make a GF connection, I really prefer a "friend" over someone who'll constantly be trying to upsell me or divert me to other businesses that business is shilling for. BTW I've just moved to Armenia from Manizales and am hoping to stay a while ;?)
@cymerax I am not talking about a person that guides as a living, that is why I put the "tour guide" in quotes. Basically you are just looking for a resident with a vehicle. All of my experiences were positive. As I said I would mention in my very broken Spanish what I was looking for. More a companion with local knowledge than a tour guide per se and as a result I have seen many things that are not on a typical tourist's list. Ask around at the hotel, Air Bnb, panaderia, etc. Of course you will be on the hook for their expenses (gas, meals, tolls) as well as paying them at the end of the day. My luck has been exceptionally good in my endeavors.
Why not try to find a nice lady that has a job skill and build a relationship from there. There are plenty on the internet, just have to filter out the bad ones. I have made 6 trips into Colombia, lots of really nice ladies if you approach the subject from the right direction.
i see no one mentions Cali,, i have been there many times but years ago lots of women, every thing was cheep, weather was nice, like to go back, looking for a travel bud , i only speak little Spanish, I no the tricks, be good to no the ropes Richie usa
@richardsantell5 I am surprised that I didn't see or comment on this thread in the past. Anyway if the OP is still reading... Colombia is a super-classist country... lots of blatant and systemic discrimination based on skin color. The end result is racism based on classism and ignorance (not racism based on xenophobia and hatred, which is what we have in the good ol' dUSA).
A lot of your romantic success will depend on your skin color AKA "class", and height, neither of which you have any control over.
Ergo, the whiter and more European-looking your are, the higher your chances of success in finding a Normal Woman (non-prepago)... just keep learning Spanish, be respectful, try to be part of the community, and be a little persistent... lovely Colombian women with jobs will eventually respond. Remember to treat them like real women, not pieces of meat, and you'll be fine.
Conversely, if you're black/negro... just forget about finding a wife here because 99.99% of Normal Women won't even respond to your advances, let alone proactively reach out to you. It doesn't matter if you're the most honest, loyal, professional black man... you'll be almost entirely limited to prepagos, opportunists, and fraudsters.
(I am not saying it's 100% impossible for a black foreigner to find a Good Woman in Colombia... I am only speaking Statistically and Realistically, based on over a year of immersion, experience, observations, and discussions with other people both Colombians and foreigners)
So, I assume you're white and have income? If so, you're already The Default Desired Demographic in Colombia, so, as someone else said... just be a Gentleman and you'll easily meet a good-looking, employed/earning Colombiana partner. Enjoy your privilege, and please be kind to - and supportive of - other Good Men who aren't automatically privileged.
Why not consider Black Colombian ladies Chin?
Allthough I am not attracted to them physically (it is NOT racism, but personal preference, like it is for everyone we all have our personal gustos physically ) I have found them to be harder working, less materialistic and more honest than your typical Paisa or Caleña .
And there are well off educated ones out there. I met one in Medellin who had a masters degree,originally from San Andreas, abd her family were very well off, owners of a colombia wide pharmacy chain.
She ended up marrying a US guy and moving to Alaska.
Maybe the educated black ladies are interested in the white skinned bue-eyed "mono" gringos as well, I dont know.
On the old Planet Love site, there semd to be a couple Afro-Americas espousing the beauty and value of Afro-Colombianas.
Why not consider Black Colombian ladies Chin?
Allthough I am not attracted to them physically (it is NOT racism, but personal preference, like it is for everyone we all have our personal gustos physically ) I have found them to be harder working, less materialistic and more honest than your typical Paisa or Caleña .
And there are well off educated ones out there. I met one in Medellin who had a masters degree,originally from San Andreas, abd her family were very well off, owners of a colombia wide pharmacy chain.
She ended up marrying a US guy and moving to Alaska.
Maybe the educated black ladies are interested in the white skinned bue-eyed "mono" gringos as well, I dont know.
On the old Planet Love site, there semd to be a couple Afro-Americas espousing the beauty and value of Afro-Colombianas.
-@nico peligro
Personally, I actually have no color preference... I am more interested in mutual attraction and overall compatibility. However, I can tell you with 100% certainty that YES, even the afro-Colombianas prefer tall Cacuasian men. In fact, when given a choice:
- Tall white man (preferably blonde hair, blue eyes) w/ no income, doesn't exercise, does drugs, chases prostitutes, has zero no interest in being loyal to 1 woman nor raising a family, guaranteed to cheat or abandon her if she gets pregnant, and...
- A decent black humble professional, good head on his shoulders, takes care of himself physically and mentally, is loyal and honest, and will NEVER abandon his family...
...the vast/overwhelming majority of Colombianas (regardless of color) will STILL pick option #1, every. Single. Time.
And (this is where things look a little tragic to us progressive foreigners) if the woman DOES decide to "buck the system" and pair up with the Good Black Man - no matter how much of a Good Catch he is - the woman WILL be "downgraded" in the eyes of her friends and family. She WILL get looks and negative comments about her choice. And if she's a white Colombiana, it'll be 10x worse! And heaven help her if/when she gives birth to a dark-skinned baby... that baby is going to be systemically disadvantaged, bullied, and basically pooped on from Day One... UNLESS the smart/savvy extranjero father steps in with his Dollars and Progressive mindset, to MAKE SURE that doesn't happen to his family.
I have many stories, anecdotes, experiences, and hard evidence about this whole aspect of the Colombian culture, but I can't post them all here.. nor can I post a link to my travel journal publicly (it'd violate the website rules)
This is Colombia... It is what is 🤷🏾♂️
In case you're wondering... yes, because of all these things... yes, I am still 100% single, I don't approach women anymore (I got tired of the strange looks, racism, and instinctive/automatic microaggressions), I've given up on finding a genuine (non-prepago, non-fraudster) girlfriend or Actual Love in Colombia... I am basically a well-laid, well-fed hermit with good Health Insurance and good internet service, holed up in my humble/decent estrato 4 apartment here in Barranquilla, LMAO! 😅
I know I'm new here, and don't want to start of by upsetting anyone, but reading some of the comments, whether you like it or not, some of the comments are racist by their very tone.
I am white, and have been married to a black Colombiana for 12yrs, we are very happy but colour was never an issue, it was all down to personality. As some have said, Colombians themselves are probably more racist to their own than any Foreigner, my Wife makes me cringe at some of her confrontations after insulting comments were thrown in our direction.
As for finding a GF, as opposed to a fling, unless you have all the time in the world, and most of us at this stage in life don't! I would recommend a reputable Introduction Agency, and forget the Tours, it's not a cheap option, but you along with the Agency get to weed out the gold diggers. I chatted with my 'wife' daily for 2 months before coming to meet her, firstly through the Agency, then at the first opportunity 'Skype video chat', yes it did help that at the time, I was living in Spain
and could converse in the language, also my wife speaks English with the accent of their neighbours I then came to Medellin met her and the family, and on returning to Spain, sold up, and moved here. Domestically I have never looked back and would change nothing. Politically, if things go on as they are we may pack our cases, take the dog and move.
@PhilCo58 Your comment was intriguing and thus prompted me to respond 😉 Not sure if you're referring to my long comment, which I think was quite accurate with little or no bias (besides the obvious "This is what I have seen, from my own 2 eyes, in my reality" bias).
If so, well, you said it yourself... you're a white guy, and you found (what sounds like) a nice afro-Colombiana wife-material woman.
Well, this supports exactly what I was saying in my comment... white men will always be the #1 choice, regardless. Not because the black male wife-seekers are broke or horrid human beings, but because of plain open, entrenched, intractable Colombian classism and systemic discrimination which always favors light-skinned, white-passing, or fully-caucasian people (in BOTH professional AND personal spheres).
Ergo, color DID have something to do with your successful dating and mating with her, even if she didn't articulate it or even
recognized that she is mentally "primed" to perpetuate said discrimination.
BTW, I'm not "mad" at you or her... on the contrary! I am happy when people find Love 🤗. All I ask is for people to have empathy for others who - for all intents and purposes - share the exact same heart, values, desires, and good intentions as you... but who are not part of the same privileged or "favorable" demographic and are thus systemically denied a chance to find same acceptance or relationships.
From my observation and experiences $$$ trumps race or color almost everytime.
From my observation and experiences $$$ trumps race or color almost everytime.
You're 💯 percent correct 😅 However, flashing wealth just attracts criminals and gold-diggers (usually both simultaneously). Wealth doesn't erase the shame of being considered Last Choice in a classist country's dating preferences. I'd rather be "seen" by a genuine good woman based on my character, personality, and our compatibility.
Then again, if I was wealthy... I'd not be slumming it in Colombia lol 🤷🏾♂️ 😂
I’ve never had a problem getting quality dates using dating apps. In fact, I’ve only dated one woman who didn’t have at least a 4 year degree. And that is in different areas and with poor spanish as well. If you are serious then I would recommend the following;
- Show interest in her family. Prepare to spend a LOT of time with her family.
- Let her hold onto your arm when walking.
- Be assertive but not domineering. They are not gringas. Be very masculine.
- Dress well. Step it up from the USA normal casual. Also, hit the gym and lift.
My experience (6 years) is that you will be fine with the above. If you are dating girls who are a 5 or 6 in the states you can get girls who are a 7 or 8 in Colombia in any city.
@march9999 Lots of women with degrees from useless Universities in Colombia
Half the prepagos are paying their way through university
Quality women in Colombia dont go on dating apps looking for Foreigners
Apps are ok for having fun though, as long as you dont wear your heart on your sleave.
I’ve never had a problem getting quality dates using dating apps. In fact, I’ve only dated one woman who didn’t have at least a 4 year degree. And that is in different areas and with poor spanish as well. If you are serious then I would recommend the following;
Show interest in her family. Prepare to spend a LOT of time with her family.
Let her hold onto your arm when walking.
Be assertive but not domineering. They are not gringas. Be very masculine.
Dress well. Step it up from the USA normal casual. Also, hit the gym and lift.
My experience (6 years) is that you will be fine with the above. If you are dating girls who are a 5 or 6 in the states you can get girls who are a 7 or 8 in Colombia in any city.
I'm happy for you, getting "normal" woman via dating apps! Regarding your recommendations:
- Anytime I am serious about someone, of course Family is #1. I always ask. I'm traidtional like that.
- I like PDA and holding hands. I'm a semi-old-school "romantic gentleman" at heart.
- I'm assertive enough, IMHO. Though I tend to err on the side of "gentle", which admittedly might not be caveman/toxic enough for most of these women.
- I dress OK, but I don't overdo it because I don't want to attract the wrong type of attention.
- I've been working out since age 28. I currently train 4-5 days a week on average. No worries there, the gym is basically my church.
My "dating app" experience follows more closely to what Peligro said... prepagos all over the place, almost without exception (including those going to school). Have I met a few decent women online? Yes of course. But they're not interested in even trying with a non-celebrity, non-millionaire black man.
Just to support what you said about your experience... I had a Greek buddy here for a while. Much to my surprise, he only dated women who had jobs, and women who didn't ask for taxi fare to come out to dates. He talks about his he gets "holla'd at" by educated women whenever he goes out socially. What does he have that I don't? I mean, I'm taller than him, just as physically fit, definitely more intellectual, absolutely 1,000% more more compassionate/ethical... and I even make more money than him. And I know I don't dress like a bum.
But he's white (blonde hair, blue eyes, the whole package), sooooo.... 🤷🏾♂️
There are some things that people simply have no control over. But I'm happy that YOU found success with your set of advantages 👍🏾 May your good fortune continue!
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