Transporting goods/removals to Montenegro from London

Hello.  Hoping someone may have been through this and has some advice.  Moving across in 2 months and not sure how best to ship my belongings over.  Storing lots in London so will likely be something like 10 cubic meters I'd need to ship across to Montenegro.  Anyone have any recommendations of companies they have used when relocating?



My recommendation is; bring as few of you belongings to Montenegro as possible, because you have to pay TAX off your items. (I think it 21%) of importing your stuff, even it's considered as private used goods. There is no way around it, except if you're a diplomat.

Welcome to Montenegro with their many weird rules which seems to be sooooo… different from many other countries in the world. They have so many rules on their own, so don't expect things here are like what you are used to other were else. It can be uphill battle if not having any local friends here, however even the local's sometimes have difficulty finding out what the rules were yesterday and what they are tomorrow.

Nevertheless, the country has its beautiful sides, too. The nature is amazing, but many things sucks too. So be ready for the challenge in a beautiful country with no rules, having many (unwritten) rules of their own.


Sosmanex in Zelenika, Herceg Novi may be able to help with the import paperwork and they speak English. I eventually decided to leave most of my things behind and brought over what fit in my car. Did not find any problems crossing the border with that

@ctenaz. Thanks.  I think I might do the same.  Did you have any paperwork for the things in your car?  Or just made out you were coming across on holiday?


No paperwork. In summer nobody asked or raised an eyebrow at full car. Back after Christmas break with “extended luggage” they did ask, maybe because by then we had got Montenegrin residency. We said that was our luggage and personal belongings and that was all.

@ctenanz. Thanks again!  one more question. Was it easy registering your car over there?