Internet connection

Hello everyone,

I am currently working remotely from Siem Reap. I knew hotel wifi might be a problem, so I purchased a Smart SIM with 80GB data. I need to be able to attend Zoom meetings daily and the wifi seems to perform better than Smart, but both are insufficient. Any ideas how to deal with this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.


i use Cellcard and it seems to go well with online meetings

I don't know if there is a difference to this. I purchased smart Wifi device but it has a SIM card on smart in it. You are likely sharing wifi with all the other guests and anyone taking the wifi from outside as well. Only getting a percentage of the service. In our apartment complex faced with same issue but I don't do any work stuff since I don't work. The hotel wifi is not a mesh network to my knowledge. So everyone shares the same pool of wifi routers the apartment complex has. Results in poor service and sometimes none at all.

The smart wifi service is a router/device you purchase and then pay each month on. Any smart store will show you one. If you already have a smart SIM card and you installed SmartNAS app you can see the service levels, etc.

Perhaps the other providers also have wifi routers you purchase and then pay monthly for service. It used to be they had smart wifi portable devices and I traveled all over Cambodia with one before.

I never felt hotspotting my iPhone did as well as the dedicated wifi router I have now. Of course, now other people share it too :-). But for us streaming YouTube video, doing TikTok and Facebook (not me), it seems to work well.

Thank you for your replies, first I tried hot spotting which did not work too well even thou I have the biggest fastest data program, second was the wifi. I knew I would have to share it with others so that was not a reliable option. third I tried a dongle, put my SIM card in it, but this option had probably the worst results. In the end, wifi turned out to be the most stable option, but not optimal. 1f937.svg I guess there are not that many guest that use streaming services etc.


Get your own WiFi, fibre to the house FTTH of Metphone is what I have, your own cable from the tower to your house and nobody shares it. You decide the speed and pay per 6 months, actually 5 months as you get 1 month free.

I have fire TV and watch movies, documentaries but also sports from all over the world.

It works great with my own WiFi.

I got the modem and installation for free and pay a bit less than $30 per month (120.000 riel)