Reunification process with an F card holder


I've got a question about reunification process.

Here is the situation:

I am a holder of type F residence permit (got it through the reuniication with my mother, who has obtained Belgium citizenship).

I am not an EEA national.

I am over 21 yo (if it's somehow relevant).

I have a partner who is not an EEA national, has no residence permit or any other connection to any of the EEA countries.

We are not in a marriage, we don't have any formal registration of the fact that we are partners.

The question is: can we do a reunification process after the formal registration of the partnership \ marriage, if I meet the requirements of the recieving side (e.g. income, household situation) ?

Can anybody share some light on this topic? Any links to the official sources of information would be highly appreciated:)

P.S.: yes, I have tried googling, but did not find any useful info.

I've got a question about reunification process.

Here is the situation:

I am a holder of type F residence permit (got it through the reuniication with my mother, who has obtained Belgium citizenship).

I am not an EEA national.

I am over 21 yo (if it's somehow relevant).

I have a partner who is not an EEA national, has no residence permit or any other connection to any of the EEA countries.

We are not in a marriage, we don't have any formal registration of the fact that we are partners.

The question is: can we do a reunification process after the formal registration of the partnership \ marriage, if I meet the requirements of the recieving side (e.g. income, household situation) ?

Can anybody share some light on this topic? Any links to the official sources of information would be highly appreciated:)

P.S.: yes, I have tried googling, but did not find any useful info.
-@hyde23 … nsmiddelen

Hey :cheers:

legal cohabitation is a good option if you are in a relationship for at least 2 years. … -cohabiter

Thank you Alex and Tachelle! I think I've found the answers I was looking for:)

Did not realise the amount of info varies that much between English and NL/FR versions of that site!

English version is pretty limited.

I would advise that you google translate fr/nl to have way more details.

Now, all the * website have correct english version with the required documents to submit.

@AlexFromBelgium thank you a lot for the valuable information!