Kids under 12 year residence card renewal

Hello. A question out of a new experience with commune for kids card renewal. Every time until now during renewal of my kids card, commune give the paper card on spot without any further wait time or process at their end.

This time, they took documents and sent the request to ministry. When I asked why different behavior, they said like it is a process for kids born outside Belgium. I dont understand why they did not do it until now.

Any one experienced this? And then in what timeline you got kids approval and card then?

Thanks a lot

@Sheetal Laad The papers will be sent first or later. This can be decided by the commune. Since the card is issued by the commune, they can choose to do give it when you apply for it, but all documents are collected. This is what I understood with my kid.

We also have same situation. Submitted all docs in the start of April - still not invited to finalize application, my card is already renewed. In 3 weeks my kid's card expire - not sure what to do. Sorry - my kid is older then 12 :) but same - kind of confusing why it is different from last time.