Schengen Visa

Can you work in Belgium with a Schengen visa

if you're tourist definitely not. You need an orange card for you to be able to work

@MidnightRogue But an orange card is for asylum seekers. Kindly give me advice…. I want to come to Belgium and work but I don't have a job offer I applied to jobs but not successful and most of them needed someone in Belgium already. I want to stay for like 6 months or a year at least. How can I go about it? Your advice will be highly appreciated.

schengen visa is maximum of 90 days within a 180 days period so 6 months or a year stay is not schengen visa anymore

but to answer ur question "no, you may not work with only schengen visa in ur pocket"

A visa is merely permission to enter a country, It is not permission to reside or work in a country.  You need to have the appropriate residence/work permit.

@Sharon Ndutakimani asylum seekers??? excuse me but I'm an orange card holder and it allows me to work. Sorry but if you want to work illegally i can't help you

@Sharon Ndutakimani asylum seekers??? excuse me but I'm an orange card holder and it allows me to work. Sorry but if you want to work illegally i can't help you

Where did you read that they are looking to work illegally?  I see a request for advice.  Also, an orange card may be issued to asylum seekers, among other reasons.  Please inform yourself, and don't make assumptions.  Remember we are here to ask questions and help others, yes, within the bounds of the law.


@romaniac Thank you so much! I never meant he was an assylum seeker it's just that it was the only information I had about orange cards. So if you are a tourist in Belgium or just hold a Schengen visa holder, you can apply for an orange card?

@Sharon Ndutakimani no, you cannot come to Belgium with a  Schengen visa and work. Even if you came as a tourist and then found a job, you would have to return to your home country to obtain the Visa D after the company applies for the Single Permit for you and you receive it

@romaniac Thank you so much! I never meant he was an assylum seeker it's just that it was the only information I had about orange cards. So if you are a tourist in Belgium or just hold a Schengen visa holder, you can apply for an orange card?
-@Sharon Ndutakimani

As I and others have already rightly said, the answer is no.  You cannot do it.