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September 16, 2020: Hello aa1963, For your information, the OFII is open to the public without an appointment from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. except Wednesday afternoon. ;You can also contact him by phone at 04 99 77 25 50 on the same schedule as indicated above or by email at ...
Ministry of Transformation
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Territorial Direction of Montpellier (dept. 30, 34, 48, 66)
https://www.directory-administration.com › ...
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OFII contact details ; Opening hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Telephone, 04 99 77 25 50; Fax / Fax, 04 99 77 25 ...
Geopostal address: Le Régent; 4 rue Jules-F...
Email: montpellier@ofii.fr
Telephone: 04 99 77 25 50
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from...
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User feedback: Negative
Hello I would like to say that since February 2020 until August 01, 2020 I have not been able to reach OFFII de Montpellier by phone or email. I took the initiative on July 09, 2020 to go and see on site in Montpellier: it's written in black on white that they only receive visitors by appointment, but they take care of people in exile. Question that arises how to have an appointment or they do not answer the phone. How do we do for our file? Sincerely, thank you.
yy1963 on 04/08/2020 at
Posted by a relative of the person concerned
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Response from the service (Prefecture of Hérault)
Hello aa1963, Thank you for your testimony. Your story concerns the OFII, the French office for immigration and integration. The OFII is a State operator and partner of the prefecture. The OFII has been asked to provide some answers to your request, which will be published as soon as possible. September 16, 2020: Hello aa1963, For your information , the OFII is open to the public without an appointment from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. except Wednesday afternoon. ;You can also contact him by telephone on 04 99 77 25 50 at the same times as indicated above or by email at the following address ;: ;accueil.ofii.montpellier@ofii.fr .Bien cordially.
Quality Referent
Date of the 1st answer 08/09/2020
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I do not know how mobile you are. Try Your Mayors Office if you are in a village they can be very helpful. Or any other French Government office that is close, ladies are more understanding than men and more helpful. That is a general statement based on my experience as a man.
https://www.plus.transformation.gouv.fr … C3%A0%20l'
Tell me more ( if you want to ), and will see what I can find. I am married to a French Citizen born in England with a foreign father and a French mother born outside of France with French Parents. We live in the house that my wife grew up in, which she now owns. And I am American which has been coming and going since 1979. And it has not been easy to get information. I just got my second Carte Sejour. I started the paperwork in 2018 when I was told at the EU border that 90 days was my time limit per year and they may ban me if I did not have a Long Stay Visa. I did that and found that I had emigrated when I got to France and found out what OFII meant. So I will help if I can.