L card -spouse

Hi all,

Would like to know if someone faced a similar situation. I have an L card with 10 yr validity. My wife has been working here for 5.5 yrs but as an expat with uninterrupted service. Although she has applied for PR, she might not receive it due to new regulations. In this case can she get PR since already have PR ?

@anonymous mister

is she is dependent on you then no worries but if she has single permit then not sure

Hi all,
Would like to know if someone faced a similar situation. I have an L card with 10 yr validity. My wife has been working here for 5.5 yrs but as an expat with uninterrupted service. Although she has applied for PR, she might not receive it due to new regulations. In this case can she get PR since already have PR ?
-@anonymous mister

Hello. Could you share more about new regulations? As me and others may be interested in knowing. Thanks

@ABS25 Looks like the ministry has sent a strict order to not give PR's /even allow to apply for PR if a person is not on local contract. So far this was not followed strictly in all communes. Now this has been made a mandate.

@anonymous mister How do you know? Did you asked this at the commune that BZ have said not to give PR?