Policing Cuenca

Cuenca has boosted police presence for

daytime hours, but what about after dark?

Business owners are clamoring for more

police patrols at night.

At a rally this week, a business owner

named Jorge Zeas stated that $40,000

in merchandise was stolen from a cell-phone store

on Luis Cordero during a 15-minute

night-time spree by thieves.

It wouldn't have happened, said Zeas,

if police patrols were active in the area

after hours.

Source... www.cuencahighlife.com

The car washing scam in Cuenca.

Cuenca's Citizen Guard is cracking down

on car wash scammers who ply their

dubious trade against motorists at

busy intersections.

This week four knives and a firearm

were confiscated near Av. Primero de

Mayo and Av. Las Américas from

car washers working the area.

Police have been receiving complaints

that some car wash scammers have been

threatening motorists who refuse to

pay for the service.  Complainants also

state that the scammers are impeding the

flow of traffic on some avenidas.

Under its new mayor, Cuenca is also

cracking down on unlicensed vendors

who sell goods near busy mercados

to the detriment of legit vendors who

have rented space in the mercados.

Source... www.cuencahighlife.com