Regarding appartment

Hello good afternoon


       I want to let you all know that, I booked appartment in Lisbon and I paid 1500 euros and I have all proof which I have to, even I have his passport copy and family pic as well as I have a link of booking which I booked the appartment but forget to take confirmation code , after that when I tried to contact him he didn't even reply my mail ,

   So guys will you all please help me to over come from this situation ,

Thank you

Best regard

Amrit thapa magar

@koolsamrit hello I am sorry to hear about your situation.

this also happened to me.

I could help you find a new apartment and take steps to trace back your first booking since I also went through this proces.

If you wish to do this please leave your contact details and I'll contact asap.

kind regards


How did you find the apartment?  Was it a legitimate site or random?  Legit, report them to their regulatory body.

Do you say you have his passport?

I would report him to the Police straight away, you may then have some remote chance of getting your money back.



This whole story is a bit weird. You only give money when you sign the lease. You said you have a copy of his passport. Is he a non-national? You should go to the police.

@Johnn824 Hi John, I am actually interested as well!

@Johnn824  thanks for your kind information, hope to get help form you soon ,

  Please reply me when you gonna get free

@solangeborg1988  yeah you are right , but he is from other country , apartment which I did a deal was his property,which was in Portugal so,

@JohnnyPT yeah you are right but , that guy he told me that if you gonna pay all amount then only you can do a visit of appartment, as soon as I pay then only he can schedule to come to show me the apartment in Portugal he said me so


This is a police case. It is an illegal procedure, and probably illegal immigration as well... Unfortunately, there are cases reported on TV regarding citizens from your country, Nepal, and also from Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, who are exposed to this kind of illegal situations developed by businesses belonging to people from those countries...

@koolsamrit it's a scam. Lot's of scams like this in the internet.

@koolsamrit Greetings, I had a much worse situation in the Algarve and may have to sue. Real Estate scams in Portugal are much more common than generally understood. I will probably have to take mine to the courts and that can take years. The critical thing to let readers know is to only use large reputable real estate firms in Portugal. I am a journalist and intend to write a series of articles on this subject in the near future. Please feel free to mention publications that you think would benefit from this information. Unfortunately, it is frequently reported that local police are in on the scams. Kindest regards.


I heard for my part that many journalists are also in on the scams with fakenews and other distorsion of the reality, don't you heard that also together with your report of misconduct of the police in Portugal where, obviously according your declared localisation, you are far far far away?


It would be useful for us to describe your problem, and what led you to feel cheated.

The problem reported by @koolsamrit has nothing to do with real estate agencies. It has to do with citizens of some countries on the Indian sub-continent taking advantage of the circumstances of citizens of their own countries to promote and take advantage of illegal immigration...