Settle and work in morocco as a doctor

hello I am Dr. Deepak Kumar from India. I wish to work and settle in Morocco. please help and guide me.


You have to come to Morocco. See if it is okay for you the atmosphere.

You have to valid your diploma and after you can open your cabinet. It is just administrative.

Write me in


I can ask for you more information

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Hello everyone,

@drdkj, welcome !

have you been to Morocco ? Zafazly has a point, you should get a feel of the country first.

Are you looking for a job as a doctor ?

Contact the medical council :

@Zafazly, what languages does he need to know to find a job or settle easily, please ?



@drdkj why don't you contact the Moroccan consulate in India for an accurate information and help.


French or Arabic to work

English is not used. Very rare people speak English
