
For Residency Visa - Police Document needs to be Apostilled?

Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

Hello, I'm moving from the UK to Cabo Verde in August and have applied for a police certificate in order to apply for a residency visa when I arrive. My only question remaining is whether or not this has to be apostilled and if so must it be done before I leave the UK.

Thank you ✌️

See also

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Hello, I'm moving from the UK to Cabo Verde in August and have applied for a police certificate in order to apply for a residency visa when I arrive. My only question remaining is whether or not this has to be apostilled and if so must it be done before I leave the UK.
Thank you ✌️
-@Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

Yes, it has to be apostiled. In can only be apostiled in the UK as it is a UK document. It cannot be apsotiled anywhere else, not even at a UK embassy. You also need to get the document translated to Portuguese after it is apostiled...but this can be done in Cape




Hi Angelo, I also have a question about the UK police certificate, if you don’t mind. There are three types of police certificates in the UK: basic disclosure, standard disclosure and enhanced disclosure. Do you know which is required for the DN visa / residency? Many thanks in advance!


Hi Angelo, I also have a question about the UK police certificate, if you don’t mind. There are three types of police certificates in the UK: basic disclosure, standard disclosure and enhanced disclosure. Do you know which is required for the DN visa / residency? Many thanks in advance!

The Cape Verde immigration department has to deal with foreigners from all over the world. They do not have the resources to study police certificates from all these different countries.

Thus, for the UK, they don't know about these options or the differences between any of them. They really don't even care. They simply want to see that you went through the trouble to have an official piece of paper that indicates that the police in your country say you're a good, law abiding citizen.

So, my advice to you is to get the one that is cheapest and quickest to obtain. Just make sure it is apostiled.




Hello, I'm moving from the UK to Cabo Verde in August and have applied for a police certificate in order to apply for a residency visa when I arrive. My only question remaining is whether or not this has to be apostilled and if so must it be done before I leave the UK.
Thank you ✌️
-@Zylen Xavier-Hendrix

Just to clarify. You don't need a foreign police certificate for a 6-month temporary residency visa. I did not understand that the "DN" that you used in your post meant "digital nomad" which is a 6-month visa.

A foreign police certificate is required only for the PERMANENT residency visa (which is initially issued for 2 years and then is subsequently renewable for 5 years) .

