Requirements for Residency vs Monthly Income

I'm seeing so many posts looking for cheap housing, some as low as USD 250.00 per month and wonder is this is all they can afford, or on a very limited income, how can these people pass the residency requirements of having either a guaranteed income or savings in excess of 300,000 USD in savings, an amount I've seen on the official website for foreigners wanting to relocate from the USA?

Is there a type of visa or residency that allows for lesser amounts of income?

@kenolsonco It could be that they have a parent that was born in Mexico but they were born in USA and are getting Dual Citizenship based on that their parent was born in Mexico and moving to Mexico. There is not an income requirement for this. Have a great day!

Some will live illegally i.e as a tourist. 

@shaunabshire They could also have had a baby here and have permanent residency from that. It is less likely that they would be looking for places for 4000-5000 pesos than someone you mentioned but I could see some trying to pinch pennies as a young family of 3.

Anyways, they also don''t have any income requirements for this.

I do not see why it's anyone's business what someone wants to pay for housing. Most people prefer not living paycheck to paycheck and live well below their means so they can enjoy retirement. As stated, before there would not be any income requirements if a parent was born in Mexico, and they are seeking dual citizenship.

I do not see why it's anyone's business what someone wants to pay for housing. Most people prefer not living paycheck to paycheck and live well below their means so they can enjoy retirement. As stated, before there would not be any income requirements if a parent was born in Mexico, and they are seeking dual citizenship.

Because of the many illegal USA citizens living in Mexico.  It makes all USA citizens look bad and us legal residents don't like it.

I too am surprised by the YouTube videos where people from Canada and from the United States have such a low income and yet they live in Mexico. I was wondering if the laws had changed. I too wanted to live in Mexico but we chose Costa Rica because they only demand the proof of US 1.000.00/monthly. We are now Permanent Residents here but I still would like to spend some time in Puerto Vallarta. We may go there for 3 months or so.We live in a very nice gated community with one of the biggest pools in Guanacaste and we have Health Care. We pay US 52.00/month for the Social Health Care and the medicine we take daily is included. One of my neighbors sold his condo and is now at Puerto Escondido. So I can see that I'm not the only one who is surprised that some people are living in Mexico full time with such low incomes, according to their videos.

They here illegally

It's kinda obvious, They are living illegally