Real estate recommendations in Santo Domingo


Hope all is well. My grandmother has an apartment complex in Santiago Domingo. She has about 8 tenants that haven't paid rent in over a year. Does anyone have a real estate attorney they can recommend for this situation?

I'm interested to follow this discussion. Can they be evicted?

I have used Guzmán for Realestate matters, if you don't get anything here I will email my attorney and ask him who in their local office up by your Mom maybe able to assist.  If you send me a private message with your email I will copy you on the mail I send and ask her to reply to all then once you have a contact you can go forward if you choose to. 

Nest of luck,


My friend uses an off duty police sergeant or something to that extent to collect his rent for him and he tells the officer if he doesn't or can't collect $$for  the rent, he won't be able to pay him .. the cop usually takes his 6' 2”” tall friend w/him and they collect , my friend said when he started to use the cop half the tenants were behind in their payments they've since caught up , he also said in the beginning the tenants almost soiled themselves seeing 2 cops at the door ready to throw them to the street…. He says it works well and the cops make a little side $$$…just an idea 🤔

I sure do have a lawyer for you. He is well experienced and a bit of a tiguere which is definitely what is needed!

@rfmaurone thank you so much for the response.  I will send you a private message

@planner oh thank you so much. I will reach out in a direct message to you

@Tippj hmm that sounds interesting I am not from the area. Curious is the cop in the Santo Domingo area? Is there a way I can get his contact information?

I'm interested to follow this discussion. Can they be evicted?

The eviction part is tricky. So hopefully a lawyer can assist.

@Natalie P15

hi , he's in Puerto Plata where I'm at and it's probably still a little bit like the Wild West here compared to the city or the more densely populated areas , but I wouldn't be surprised if you found a few off duty police officers who maybe moonlight in the private security sector, stop by a realtor and ask them who they might recommend for such a task,,

@Tippj thank you so much for that tip!