Register Of A Car

How can I find out whether a car is registered in someone's name? that was bought in Thailand? In the UK we just go online and use gov.UK.

How can I find out whether a car is registered in someone's name? that was bought in Thailand? In the UK we just go online and use gov.UK.

The authority where you register your car is Department of Land Transport. They do have a website,but I'm not sure it's in English.

They will have a blue ownership's book, similar to a house registration, which shows the name of the owner

They will have a blue ownership's book, similar to a house registration, which shows the name of the owner

People are selling cars which they don't officially own. They won't have the blue book and will come up with an excuse.These scams are quite common.

@Shed20 you should go to a Land transport office with plate registration number and chassy code number and see if they first match and ask for the owner's name.

But if there is no book then better not buy cause cannot make the yearly check and pay road tax with insurance that has to be printed on the book's last page.

@Leeds forever!

Thanks,  I will have a look online

@Shed20 you should go to a Land transport office with plate registration number and chassy code number and see if they first match and ask for the owner's name.
But if there is no book then better not buy cause cannot make the yearly check and pay road tax with insurance that has to be printed on the book's last page.
-@Maxi Mari

You don't buy a car without a correct blue book because the car might be stolen.