Open account as foreigner

I do not live in France (actually lives out of Europe) but have EU passport (and citizenship - but not france).

In case I open bank account in france, should I have tax payer id? From which amount?

Will the bank take the tax from my profits related to deposit interest or should I handle it myself with french tax authority?

I prefer less interaction with authorities.

as far as I know Michel (at least 10 years ago it was like this) bank insists on having a proof of residence (electricitybill or other) in order to open an account ... I think best thing to do is contact a bank like for instance "Credit Agricole" ... and ask what is possible ...

good luck

maybe this can shed some light : … -american/

Thanks for your answer. I understand BNP Paribas has international accounts for non residents. As in the link below.Let say it will open me, my questions is wheather people with bank account who get interest on deposit handle themselves with French Tax Authority or the bank do it for them and transfer the tax automatically?Should I have french tax number and need to interact alone with French Tax Authorities. I do not want to break any rule and want to pay reuired taxes but not getting into all the mess involved with handling it. My goal is to have some money secured in another country and maybe I will move to Europe any time in the future