Can I ask nationality early in Belgium ?

i am living in Belgium since 2020, i have B1 in french and A2 in dutch and i have been working for more than 400 days and i am still working. i got refuges statue for 5 years and i wonder if i could ask before.

@Phinox as far as I know, one of the pre-requisites of asking for nationality is having the permanent residency. I believe you have to wait.

@mjzk thanks for you response 👍👍

@Phinox as far as I know, one of the pre-requisites of asking for nationality is having the permanent residency. I believe you have to wait.

This is incorrect.  You must live in Belgium for 5 years before obtaining Permanent Residency or Applying for naturalization (citizenship).  Therefore, permanent residency is not a requirement for naturalization.

To answer the question....sure you can ask before, but it won't be approved.  You must meet the residency requirement first, or likely within a few months (3-6) of meeting the requirement.


@romaniac Just for my understanding: you said permanent residency is not required for your citizenship application but if you apply your application will not be approved. Isn't it similar as saying that you are not required to buy a ticket to go to a concert but if you don't have a ticket you will not get in 1f605.svg

@mjzk I think @romaniac is referring to the other method of acquiring nationality via "Naturalization".

Citizenship that is acquired:

  • To be 18 years or older
  • To have an unlimited residence permit at the time of application

Other conditions may apply depending on your situation:

1.To be born in Belgium

2. To have lived in Belgium since 5 years

3. To be married to a Belgian or being a parent or adopter of a Belgian minor child

4. Be disabled or have reached retirement age

5. To live in Belgium since 10 years

Citizenship via Naturalization:

  • To have reached the age of 18 or to have been emancipated before that age
  • Be a legal resident of Belgium at the time of the application for naturalization
  • Have shown or be able to show exceptional merit to Belgium in the scientific, sporting or socio-cultural fields and, as a result, be able to make a particular contribution to Belgium's international reputation
  • Give reasons why it is almost impossible for you to acquire Belgian nationality by making a declaration of nationality

@romaniac Just for my understanding: you said permanent residency is not required for your citizenship application but if you apply your application will not be approved. Isn't it similar as saying that you are not required to buy a ticket to go to a concert but if you don't have a ticket you will not get in 1f605.svg

Your analogy and understanding of what I said, is not what I said.  Permanent residency and citizenship are different and separate statuses and application processes.  Both require 5 years of legal residence.  OP states he's been in Belgium since 2020 (about 3 years).  To apply now for citizenship, it would seem he would be denied as he has not had 5 years residency.  I hope that clears up what I intended to say.

Be careful to not mix naturalization and a declaration of acquisition of nationality

Naturalization is a REQUEST, only granted to few """exceptional""" people that are able to demonstrate to Belgium exceptional merits in the scientific, sporting or socio-cultural fields + to make a particular contribution to the international influence of Belgium

Declaration of acquisition of Belgian nationality is a RIGHT, defined by laws.

And, indeed, at the moment of the request of a declaration of Belgian nationality, you must hold a permanent resident permit (B,C,D/L,E,E+,F,F+...) to be eligible (and respect the law).

So if you have an A card, you must first get your hand on the permanent resident card, before starting the process to get the Belgian's passport

@BMM996210 thanks for detailed information

As the OP has refugee status, this link may be useful....which includes many of the points already made on this thread.,-The%20first%20option&text=In%20order%20to%20acquire%20Belgian,social%20integration%20and%20economical%20participation.
