L card denied

Hello All,

I have been here on on-site assignment since 2018. I completed 5 years uninterrupted stay in Belgium. But that includes 2 years on-site + 3 years local contract. I applied for L card but got denied as it has to be all 5 years with local contract (some people get it still, but thats apparently by luck and miss, even the person working at commune seems to acknowledge this. sigh)

My question is this : L card is always under more scrutiny than B card. Can I now re-apply for B card and see how it goes? Or am I not allowed to and have to wait till 2025 and re-apply L card? (when i complete 5 years with local contract). Thanks for your feedback.


in which commune you applied?

did the specifically provided the reason that it is denied as you were not in local contract for entire 5 years?

did they share any doc where they mark it as a mandatory condition as in official site it is mentioned a 5 yrs of continuous stay?

dont try to trick the System just follow the rules which applies  to all

My understanding is it requires 5 years on a local contract to get the L card. In the past it may have been different, but for at leadt the ladt couple of years they have been looking for a local contract for at least 5 years.

@masstonsils0e thatnks for sharing your input and that's what I see here in many chat comments. But, did not find this listed in the site links present in commune website. They mention 5 year of stay and min wage to support you and your family along with some other docs. But, no where mentioned that it should be a local contract. So curious to know if it is mentioned somewhere

@shravantiwari https://www.ey.com/en_be/tax/tax-alerts … plications