Cost of living with not healthy items

A few months ago it was announced the cigarettes and alcohol were to be increased in price massively. I was a bit scared as I use both of them extensively.

Bottom line (in EURO) nothing changed much (although EUR itself has suffered, but that is another matter)

Cigarettes are still under EUR 2, I do not say buying them is an investment, but buying 300 packages also protects a little bit against inflation.

Also Alcohol was supposed to be much, much more expensive, but yesterday I buy a few liter bottles of Jameson for TRY 880 (not really more expensive (or even cheaper) than eg Hungary).

I am not saying restaurants are not healthy at all, but over the last few months I have seen that prices have increased quite a bit.

For a normal Turkish Restaurant I count TRY 900 (For me and my wife Soup, Bread, Orange Juice, main dish and tea afterwards), when we came it was less then TRY 500 easily

The more expensive restaurants (essentially the same menu) is TRY 1500 (including tips), but quality is good (and so is the service (in Turkey I am impressed so far)

Nothing to complain about restaurants, still reasonably priced, but MUCH higher then in the recent past

Of course no interest to you, but we try to go at least 3 or 4 times per week, we will go in an hour or so, nice part of life.

Cdw, isn't this just a repeat of your other numerous posts?

Do you not have anything new to say or do you just enjoy posting that much? 😆 🤣 😂

Yes we all know you smoke and drink by now and eat out 3+ times a week 🤗


I am old and repeating myself, on the other side some new topics as well.

In my view what is interesting

-Ikamet extention

-Cost of living

-Bank accounts in other countries (insurance in Turkey is limited (very much)

-Too low Aidat

-People who do not pay their taxes




I am who I am and I will repeat in the future (sorry for you)

What is worrying there are not too many of new topics


Please report me to moderator if I do too many post, I think I am polite and practical, I am just a bit crazy and have my opinions.


the cost remains important, I just give my view, nothing more, yes for example restaurants, I gave my view frequently (perhaps too often), but I visit gladly, but things change.

BUT you are right, I come back to the normal topics, what upsets me is that there are no real new topics. I like the forum and there are some people who are committed (not too many I am afraid)

I am always looking on the forum for INTERESTING topics (I live in Turkey)

Hello CDW057

New topics?

Turkey has a rich and ancient history and in more recent times new archeological discoveries are bringing much international interest.

Have you visited Gobekli Tepe or Karahan Tepe?

I visited the Roman ruins at Side which are insightful, but I am interested in visiting more ancient sites especially those considered to be Megalithic.