Considering Thailand for retirement

Hello, my name is Preston. I am due to retire next June. i have a Friend who married a Thai lady and he is very happy. My three children are all grown up and left home . They have their own family now and no longer need me. I see the land of smiles very alluring . i know it is a big decision to up sticks snd leave everything i know but i really am in the need of  a new begining. i would so much welcome others veiw on this. i am now a single man and alone here in the UK..thank you

For me sofar, yes I think Thailand was a good choice for my retirement.

My two kids are in college.  My marriage ended 7 years ago.  I just retired a few months ago. I put my affairs in order for the move.

For me their are several reasons.

1) the retirement visa of 1 year and the ability to get a ltr 10 year visa after a year receiving my retirement passive income.

2) I was in Thailand many years ago and like it enough to put it on my retirement list of places I could retire to.

3) the cost of living in Thailand.

4) I like the women here. I have always liked Asian women my X was from mainland China.

It is a bit slow starting to date as after my divorce I did not date till I got here.

I did popin to south Korea, Japan,  and Thailand for a few weeks each first and I liked Thailand more.

I had been thinking and planning this for several years.

So far it's been a bit more then a month. And considering what I would like be doing back home it's better here for me.  I can still do what I did back in the USA here but I do not want to.  Good luck on finding someone to  marry thier are a lot of women here who want to get married.  That are not bar, gogo, or street working girls.


@Leeds forever!

No  but i have a friend with property in Thailand and he is happy


i very much appreciate your reply. i am getting increasingly isolated here in the UK and need to move my life elsewhere and Thialand seems a good fit. thank you so much

    @Leeds forever!
No  but i have a friend with property in Thailand and he is happy


You want to retire in a country you've never visited  even as a tourist? That's not what people normally do,if you know what I mean. Your friend is not you.   Do you know anything about how to retire in Thailand and financial requirements?


You want to come and definitely check it for yourself.

Do you like the city or beaches more? You like the

tourist areas or more remote rural area.

Too many questions only you can have answered

by going to Thailand and see for yourself.

@Leeds forever!

yes i have read about this and i meet all criteria.

    @Leeds forever!
yes i have read about this and i meet all criteria.


Which criteria? Please tell.

I know you have to have at least £20,000 deposited in a Thai bank and a minimum mothly income such as pensions and such. if i am wrong please tell me


i am attracted by the culture the climate and the cost of living. but you are right i would not make such a total life changing decision without experiencing it first hand

    I know you have to have at least £20,000 deposited in a Thai bank and a minimum mothly income such as pensions and such. if i am wrong please tell me        -@prestonberry

You need 65.000 baht/month if using monthly deposits or 800.000 baht in a Thai bank account if using the money in the bank method or a combination of monthly deposits (if the pension income is to low) and money in the bank. The total amount must be 800.000 baht. The UK state pension is way to low,so in your case it will be the money in the bank method or the combination method.These are the official requirements today,but they can change.

Hello everyone,

Please note that this new thread has been opened from your posts on the Thailand forum for better interaction.

All the best
