Kuwait Oil Co pay structure

I am considering accepting a job with KOC, but am concerned about the pay. The base is substantially less than I was making in the US, but bonus potential is high, up to 4Xs base salary. If bonuses can be expected, it makes sense for me and my family. If there's a real chance I'll never see them, this will not work for us.

Does anyone have context on the accessibility of bonuses for expats at KOC? Thank you.

Not sure where you saw that about the bonus being 4X the salary.  I have many expat friends that work for KOC they do get annual bonuses but it is closer to 4% not 4X.

@steveneyoung504 no taxes, n guns, no violence... currency is 3X stronger, economy is better.

@steveneyoung504 depending on your level, bonuses are either discretionary, performance based or fixed. I have not seen fixed bonuses in my lifetime auditing in Kuwait. make sure you read your contract carefully.

I agree the no taxes and no violence in Kuwait is much better than in the States.  You will pay taxes though if you are on a rotaional basis and living in the states.